Existence's Best Boss

Maron, who proves that his turn on GLOW is no fluke—he’s a real actor, equally at home with caustic wit and understated heartbreak

If Bernie’s supporters truly believe that what he did for Clinton counted as “campaigning,” then it’s no small wonder that he lost as badly as he did. 

Remember 2016 when Bernie didn’t realize that people had to register to vote in the primary? That was even damn funnier!

“Misinterpreted” my ass. Fuck all you rape apologists out there, sideways. 

Not every actor in every movie shares scenes, and thus workdays, with every other actor. To never cross paths due to different filming schedules, including date, time, and place, is completely plausible. It’s fairly common for modern actors to star in the same film and never meet until the press tour, depending on

Well remembered.

I’m definitely not saying that people shouldn’t criticize some of these art changes on the grounds that some of them feel a bit uninspired.

Sounds like their first mistake was casting Karen Gillan as a picture of a dead character. 

He looks like a young Bradley Whitford.

Joe Biden never “defended southern segregationists.” He spoke of having to work with them as colleagues in the United State Senate. Please stop trying to smear the first black President’s vice president as a racist already. 

You’re not the boss of me!

Approaches? No, this unsubtle attempt to imply a low score because of a white male lead is coming from deep inside incel territory, no question.

anytime you take an IP and change its original medium


but to my eyes, she looks the best of the bunch

I might have been sympathetic until their lawyer(s) trashed other professional adult stars as though it was necessary to put someone else down in order to defend their clients from their own dumb actions.

What do you expect from a guy who’s father-in-law is Stephen Baldwin, aka the dumb one?

OK, but then your position is still “Fuck her because of things her parents and lawyers did.” Don’t you see the problem there?

There was never any audio released in which West played the track for her as it was released and got the OK for it. No audio of them discussing that specific verse either.