Existence's Best Boss

I’d much rather see what Ruby was up to in the ‘80s than Rainbow.

They could fix Ranger by making their spells refresh on a short rest instead of a long rest. I mean, they already give them less spell slots than other spellcasters, and in long campaigns it just makes no sense for a ranger to “run out of” Hunter’s Marks. 

Finn Jones managed to parlay his Game of Thrones role into a series lead. Can’t fault him for that. It’s just our collective misfortune that the series was Iron Fist.

They should be announcing him as the next Avengers movie director, IMO.

I still can’t fathom how “Far From Home” beat out “European Vacation” for the subtitle...  SMH

Ant-Man 3! Ant-Man & The Wasp 2! Revenge of the Red Queen!

They can’t plausibly roll out a Consequences Baby until the second season, at least. 

Now playing

I got as far as the guy bragging about voting for Trump before I realized that I was reading the text form of this sketch:

This is the kind of wasteful “think” piece that only deserves a response of a link to Key & Peele’s “Black Republicans” sketch.

Forget it, MisterTrick. It’s the Horseshoe Theory of Politics. 


Flaw in your argument: Mayors don’t control evictions.

It’s Leonardo DiCaprio; of course any actual acting involved is going to be below-par.

The nine-episode first season will now air on Showtime on August 25.

Looks like she’s storing something under her right titty. 

When you’re whining that a property based on a children’s space fantasy franchise doesn’t include enough blood and dismemberment, you’re the broken one!

Hmm, whom to put my faith in... An experienced politician with 30+ years experience, or someone who literally just got here trying to demand the whole place change to suit her?

Now I need to go find and re-watch Munch’s 30 Rock and Arrested Development episodes!

Shouldn’t we be rightfully blaming this on showrunners who wouldn’t accept their actual episode count and write an appropriate story for the number of episodes for which they were contracted?

LOL That’s what I get for assuming. Nicely done.