The A. B. Janets

I’m not sure this is an example capitalism run amok but rather a symptom of neoliberal deregulation. Amazon is merely taking advantage of a(nother) weakness of our current political regime - the unwillingness/inability to respond to real needs of real people. Our political system has not regulated our banking

Yes, I think this is a good point. And for some people spending the money on a device that is simultaneously fancy and limited might provide some incentive to use it. If I plunked down several hundred for this thing, damn straight it would be a statement — partly a statement to myself about what my priorities are.

‘smarm schmear’ - yay! 

Now playing

I hear you. But there are far, far cheaper & easier ways to unplug. (I’m not even getting into the attendant class issues, etc., embedded in the spectrum of cost & accessibility.) To wit: any non-smartphone. This option is like a Juicero.

What an arbitrary and ignorant perspective on the function and genesis of language. The fact that you find it confusing is an indictment of your intelligence, not of the terminology.

this is really going to stew your noggin but....what if this is a psychiatric disorder....that requires a physical treatment.....

what kind of “healthcare professional” considers psychiatric disorders not physical disorders? As if the two are mutually exclusive... Methinks you don’t know what you’re talking about.

All words are made up. Words and phrases change. If this isn’t a procedure that impacts you, then why does it matter if it’s called one thing or another.

Cleaning the toilets at CVS doesn’t actually make you a healthcare professional.

Tagalongs or GTFO.

Try not using a 1940s-era fascist front group as your username. It would make your comments more credible.

This piece is objectively kinder to Ivanka than she deserves

Thoughts and prayers

An assault rifle is a selective-fire rifle with the capacity to flip between semi-auto and full auto, which is why this article is about a category of weapons and accessories which would be legally categorized as “assault weapons” with major restrictions on who is allowed to just carry them around, you pedantic chud.