
I heard about his comments back when he made them, but I never learned about his apology, so he’s been in the dog house with me for a long time.


That’s interesting! Thanks for actually checking and reporting back!

I wonder about people who wear heels? I know you’re supposed to walk ball-first in heels, and it can shorten the achillles tendon enough that walking flat is uncomfortable.

(The purpose of engagement photos is to get to know your photographer so you can feel more relaxed having your photo taken during the wedding, and in our case it was also because we needed some decent pictures of us to put on the website.)

And who set the budget, Trump? It wasn’t Puerto Rico.

That’s *hilarious.*

If you refer to them as he/him - you’re wrong (if they identify as female or neither or either). If you refer to them as she/her - you’re wrong (if they identify as male or neither or either). If you you refer to them as they/them - you’re wrong

Bill Cosby did not pay for the sound system for the “I have a dream” speech. That’s a false rumor. The money was raised by a couple of unions.

To be fair, she could wear literally anything and look fantastic.

Gah I want those! Possibly in a different color for the shoe.

I very sadly chose not to wear my birks today because I knew it would be too cold.

He’s not, though. The problem is that he’s claiming to be.

I am SO tired of seeing that picture. I thought we were done with this. Why is it back?

Parchment paper is also good for making your own wet palette to keep acrylic paints from going dry.

I love her! some other stuff I love:

You can be upset about more than one thing at once....


God damn it, please tell me it wasn’t a predominately white church. So many people will decide that this validates their hatred and their persecution complex.