
Haha. I just find if funny u spent time spamming jez about the story. I correctly called that they would do it today. Yet, i still have a feeling u will bitch about them not doing it last night. I look foward to u in the future spamming jez with other stories and your comment being ignored by the writers. Go have fun

For page views that u give them, by clicking. Dont click problem solved.

Jez covers the story and yet you’re silent and no where to be found i wonder why...

Hey there talking about it on jez now. U happy are u still going to bitch and complain.

Hey the story is on jez now. I know you’ll complain because jez linked to giz, but its still on jezs page. Go have fun in the comments.

Then problem solved. Jez is biased, and they do pick and choose what stories to do. You going into the comments and complaining about it will not get it covered. If they do cover it it will be sometime tomorrow. So then u can go there and complain about jez waiting forever to cover the story. Again, brietbart is the

U dumb, just because your the first doesnt mean u automatically make it to the top.

There are tons of stories that become national news stories that never make it on to jez. Most stories with black victims and white preps do not make it on to jez. U can go to brietbart and go enjoy the comments section talking about how criminal black people are.

Send a fucking tip. U spamming the comment section isnt going to get this covered. Dude your own hypocrisy is showing.

There are tons of stories with blacks as victims and whites as perpetrators that never make it on to jez. Also, if it was on here you would be no where to be found in the comments.

More white people voted for obama because our population is bigger. U dumb

Yeah, people should just sit on their asses and do nothing.

U dumb

So, you can do that and still support trump. Maybe ge really wants a tax cut.

No she didnt deserve it and they did consider other women who turned it down.

You’re one to talk

Then dont click. Bobby isnt being hateful.

He didnt say that.

Then after the election he basically kissed his ass.

Most people, cite. Also, u only comment here when u think liberals are being hypocrites or u can gloat as a conservitive. Which just ahows your own hypocrisy. If you can’t call blacks thugs, or complain about white guilt and liberals then you most likely not commenting on jez. So, maybe be less of a hypocrite yourself