
Um, maybe she was distracted because she lost her father on Friday?

I’m a huge PlayStation fanboy and I’m like... WTF is wrong with you Sony? You’re literally taking a huge leap here by being the first company in the history of gaming consoles to introduce a mid-gen upgrade like this, and this is what the fuck you put out?

I dunno... Not a big fan of this design. It’s not beautiful like the Xbox One S nor is it ugly. Just kinda meh’. Frankly, the original PS4 looks hella better with it’s sharp angles.

The point is that all of that security did absolutely nothing. They panicked just like everyone else. So if we’re going to put up with all the bullshit policies, delays, and costs shouldn’t we be getting some benefit out of it?

You still hear the sound.

I had the same experience. I was talking with my friends while watching that and said “I don’t know what this sci-fi game is, but I like the way it looks”. Then a few minutes later I said “wait... is this... Call of Duty?”

Yeah, initially I thought it was a new IP. I was excited. When the gun shooting started, it began to feel familiar and that’s when I started to question what game this was. Very well done trailer and strategy on their part.

For me, it was the CoD:IW trailer. When it first started up, there was no text (or maybe I missed that part) so I had no clue what game it was. A commander of a spaceship plots a course for the next mission. Then we see a dogfight in space. It wasn’t until the pilot got out and started shooting that I began to

Sorry, Couldn’t resist. Low hanging fruit and all that.

All the remakes and remasters you could ever dream of!

Gandhi better get his shit together this time. The wolf in sheep’s clothing gimmick won’t work on me anymore. Dick.

Big, stoic, proud, not easily agitated but if you do watch out he’ll go off on your ass. Yup totally Canada.

He mostly makes content to entertain teenage boys who probably can't afford all the newest games or a computer that can run VR. But some of his stuff is pretty funny when he isn't putting on his fake childish persona.

He’s raises and donates millions of dollars to various charities and goes out of his way to treat others well.

“That thing does not obey the laws of physics at all!”

Bloodborne 2 will be released. No amount of PC upgrades can run it.

Luke, this was about the PS4. In the modern videogame landscape, the PS4 represents a cost-effective consolidation of the experience you can have with a gaming PC.

While I’m sure you’re aware of a contingent of PC gamers who believe PC is the answer to all questions, as a journalist I’m sure you’ve noticed that this

The XB-70 Valkyrie:

Competitor to the B52 and lost out. Similar to the Yf-23