
That certainly cannot be the case, because a review score is arbitrary or not based on whether the review exists rather than whether the review is read. You say this yourself.

I would not know the answer to that. But I would wild speculate at no?

Opinion(s) noted.

Most game scores represent subjective opinion, not objective reasoning. That’s why they’re arbitrary.

What you’re actually saying is that there are a lot more factors that come into play when deciding whether a game is good or bad, and these factors cannot necessarily and wholly be quantified by a scale of 1 to 10 or 1 to 5 or whatever.

To read more than they would otherwise want or need to. Yes.

If you pay close attention to reviewers your taste happens to align with (as you probably should) it’s simply convenient to be able to get the gyst of the review through a simple (yet well explained) scoring system while also having the option to parse the

I’ve always been dubious regarding the anti-review-score position of Kotaku. Review scores are generally just representative of the degree to which the particular reviewer recommends a particular game. The justifications for a particular score on a particular game are found in the actual review (for those that

Bethesda’s currently policy only encourages the most impatient of compulsive buyers since they won’t be deterred by outside factors such as critics.

It seems as though your entire hypothesis hinges on the idea that people need or should buy a game on, or immediately after, (or before?) release. They don’t. Maybe they shouldn’t.

If reviewers want to give their reviews the time and attention they deserve they will... or they will rush out early impressions... or

This woman is obviously bigoted and more than a little crazy for acting this way. This is an amazing display of ignorance.

I would only add that the niqab isn’t a choice for very many women in this world. To mischaracterize the fact that you get to have a choice because of where you are being a Muslim (where the

But it didn’t apply to Jordan Edwards (lets use his readily available name) because the vehicle he was in was shot into by a cop.

Huh. This is strange, though. Black kids are shot on sight and not given first aid. Weird.

Folks need to realize you can’t drag a kid around by their arm like that... there is surprisingly little holding their arm in to their shoulder socket and once you pull them out they are often never quite right again. You can very easily cause irreversible damage.

That being said... there is absolutely no evidence, so

This is good advice irrespective of your skin color.

The point being... if you’ve developed a pattern of speech (perhaps geographically or culturally defined) that is difficult for most of the people in your native city, state or country to accurately parse then you’re probably going to have a bad time. That remains

You offered me current stats only; not anything to compare it to. You also didn’t offer me stats (perhaps because there really aren’t any) of unarmed people, particularly kids, getting killed by cops.

I do appreciate that you are being more charitable towards me than most.

I do wish you had actually engaged with anything I wrote. It can’t be good for anyone (particularly the people suffering the most) that we can’t have a remotely reasonable discussion on topics like this.

I sincerely wish you the best... no matter the color of your skin or choice of profession.

I’m sure your opinion will be noted.

Rational response.

Discussions generally go better when you actually try to engage with anything your interlocutor says. In the mean time... I’m sure vile racists the world over deeply appreciate that you are willing to perpetuate the idea that people should have vastly different rights depending on their skin color

What is your solution? The immediate mob lynching of every officer we suspect of wrong doing... particularly when they are white and the victim is black? Is that really justice in your book?