
When did I say it didn’t apply to the 15 year old boy? You shouldn’t go so far out of your way to put words in peoples mouths to shore up your own virtue.

If you believe the boy deserved the benefit of the doubt, as I do, so too does everyone else... at least until all of the facts are in.

So... you don’t think “innocent until proven guilty” should apply to everyone?! I imagine overt racists everywhere would gleefully agree with that sentiment.

You can’t address an injustice by invoking another injustice.

I suppose what should matter is if you want it to be true for everyone... or not. I can say with confidence that I do. I try to reserve my enmity for those actually shown to deserve it. I wait for the details. I certainly feel rage but I’m OK with having no where to direct it... for now.

I’m not saying we shouldn’t be

There is a difference between having too much sympathy for a victim and too much enmity for an alleged criminal. A tragedy occurred and the little boy and his family deserve every ounce of sympathy we can muster. Implying strongly that we are all innocent until proven guilty should not be perceived as an attempt to

By saying that a regular picture of a regular person is somehow as biased as showing a kid’s Facebook picture with a joint, you are exposing yourself as a bigot.

No one has to listen to it for it to remain true.

No, of course not... it’s equally true in both cases. The defense of civil liberty shouldn’t be a zero-sum contest between people of different skin colors.

And his killer should not be free.

It is a shame that some significant percentage of otherwise reasonable and rational people will read your comment as some kind of affirmation of the unjustified shooting of black children.

We don’t know the whole story yet. We know there are relevant details here that we don’t have yet. Innocent until proven guilty;

I think you might be conflating journalism and blogging.

Well and fairly said. Unless your white (or I assume you’re white). Then TL;DR: Fuck off.

The echo chamber is real.

You are virtue signalling wrong.

It does seem odd that in a climate in which every other platform is trying to find ways to leverage 3D (VR) Nintendo is throwing in the towel.

I wish people that say things like this would deign to explain to us why they think so. I don’t even think Schreier would support this sentiment without considerable reservations... if only for the fact that their job is somewhat reliant on it.

I think it’s totally OK to have a media who’s duty it is to uncover the

Did white kids lose something when blacks wanted to go to their schools?

At the risk of getting shouted down because I have the wrong genitalia and/or genetic heritage... is this really a zero-sum situation?! Do black women really lose something by Shea trying to be more inclusive in their marketing? Is the in-group/out-group “cultural appropriation” virtue cue getting tripped here?

I think we can all accept that bias is a relevant issue here.

This strikes me as little more than in-group/out-group tribalism tainted by the perception that increasing diversity (in this case, increasing the demographics you target with your marketing) is zero-sum. To be fair... I am fully aware that my view is also

An R rating only really impedes the viewing for young people in the context of the cinema... a venue that is in stark decline. This matters a great deal more to the studios coffers than to any temporarily excluded demographic.