
This article isn’t really about JonTron. It’s about what a bunch of random people on the internet are saying about JonTron (see the title... the thing I most directly was criticizing in my comment). You seem to have misunderstood my comment... and, in so far as that is my fault, I apologize.

This article isn’t really about JonTron. It’s about what a bunch of random people on the internet are saying about JonTron (see the title... the thing I most directly was criticizing in my comment). You seem to have misunderstood my comment... and, in so far as that is my fault, I apologize.


To be fair... it seems rather human to perceive a threat (that may not be there) when someone challenges your beliefs. I’ve seen no shortage of that sort of behavior on all sides.

What is even harder is not responding in kind. I fail on this one all the time.

So... you replied to Gita’s support of my comment with a partisan tangent unrelated to my comment?! O_o

Other people? Such as this guy? They have an active audience of millions. Many of which are frequently kids. And when they say something? They don’t get ignored. Some of those kids will mimic it, believing it is acceptable because hey, “JonTron did it right”.

That seems like an oversimplification of a complex social issue.

I mentioned neither “liberal” outrage nor political correctness in my comment. My point, that the internet functions rather well as an echo chamber for our own personal narratives, seems to apply universally.

In any case... your comment may illustrate why it isn’t fruitful (or even honest) to generalize about

The article isn’t about a “person that has 3 million people waiting with bated breath for the content I produce”. It’s an article about a what a bunch of random people on the internet are saying about a “person that has 3 million people waiting...”.

To be fair, none of these people are out rioting or anything.

I didn’t say Jafari was just “someone on the internet”. You misread my comment.

I empathize with the spirit of the article but some small voice in my head parroted the title back as, “someone, somewhere on the internet said something” and I cringed. There is never any shortage of people looking to be outraged about something... and this is pretty low hanging fruit.

There... are... so many like this. I cannot wait to make some of my own.

This is a bit unfair (companion vs random npc) but... still...

I’m certainly looking forward to firing up my trial this evening to partake of the weirdness. I might even be a little disappointed if it’s as small an issue as you seem to think.

I think we’re simply starting to dip more deeply in to the uncanny valley. They get enough of it so right that when things inevitably go wrong we perceive them as really really wrong.

They appear to be leaning much more heavily on procedural animations which can be a tough thing to fine tune. We’ve all been

I imagine very few people saying that sort of thing are voting republican... return to start.

Instead of calling for backup or radioing in a traffic stop...

When you are reading a game review you are necessarily reading the particular gamers subjective experience of the game. That is what game reviews are. That is why it is generally wise to find game reviewers you tend to agree with (that share your entirely subjective taste) and simply weigh their reviews more heavily

Everything about old consoles seems unwieldy and weird to a child brain, and while the Raspberry Pi doesn’t recreate any of those troubleshooting moments, it does a good job of creating its own. It still feels like a small triumph every time RetroPie works. That triumph when you load up a game is as powerful a