
My use of language was deliberate. Of course there are some limits on free speech in any liberal democracy... and there are moral grey areas in the formulation and application of law. That doesn’t actually undermine my comment.

I’m not sure what that has to do with the price of butter.

The idea that liberals want to spend less on military and are quick to use it and conservatives want to spend more on military and are slow to use it doesn’t seem to relate in any way to the idea of using force to silence people we disagree with... regardless

I’m not only from the US but I also actually understand some of our history and can put current events in the context of... current events. There are reasons you’ll have to go out of your way to find any pictures of a lynching that aren’t a yellowed-by-age black & white photo dating from the early 1900's. The last reco

Well... pacifism is a morally bankrupt philosophy in my book. I’m certainly not a proponent of pacifism.

Violent actions will probably always be a burden that some will need to take on... in response to violent actions (for the reason we are both alluding to, human nature). Speech, however volatile, is not really a

That is a pragmatism point... and not necessarily a relevant one in the context of a moral or ethical evaluation. This is really about what we should consider acceptable in civil society. Is physically assaulting a person in response to rhetoric, however vile you perceive it to be, acceptable behavior? If yes... then

I didn’t really mean liberal in the strict right/left political sense. We live in a liberal democracy in the US and I really think a pretty big swath of the Conservative Right is actually a part of what makes that possible (not directly opposed on every point, in any case). People certainly tend to apply their moral

Opinion noted.


Many of us (hopefully most of us) sympathize or even empathize with the person that punches the “Nazi” spouting vile rhetoric... but, contrary to popular opinion, our emotions are notoriously unreliable guides in regards to consistent application of morality or ethics.

There is a often conflation going on whenever someone cries “Freedom of Speech” in these cases... but that is a separate point from the inconsistent way people tend to apply liberal values in action.

So long as it’s violence targeted at flags and not people. *shrug*

Opinion noted.

I bet you say that sort of thing about actors, too. It’s not like they save lives or anything.

We get it. You don’t have any respect for his calling. Good for you.


I can’t help but agree with nearly every criticism aimed at it... yet I still managed to enjoy it more than most movies.

I give these sorts of movies leeway for a couple reasons (actively suppressing incredulity). Movies don’t need to explain everything (in fact, many would make the argument that they shouldn’t) and

It doesn’t make it’s point... at all.

That’s something you hear too often... “you’re being too introspective”.

I believe one of the breakdowns in our society is that we have excluded the man out of all of these types of decisions

I think his point is that the baby doesn’t really belong to you while it’s inside of you. He’s more or less, saying a fetus belongs to you about as much as a mans penis does while it is inside of you. So... you know... don’t abort it. Unless the man agrees for you to abort his penis. Or Fetus. I guess.

I was pretty