It doesn’t need to happen for it to remain my favorite part of watching him.
It doesn’t need to happen for it to remain my favorite part of watching him.
My favorite part about watching Karl Pilkington is anticipating the moment he eventually breaks character. It is coming.
Yeah... I guess the argument comes down to “should people with disabilities be able to compete in these competitive games”?! I think, ultimately, the abuse of the technology (“healthy” players using them just to get an unfair advantage) makes that impractical.
Honestly, though, I’m not sure they can do much about it…
As for kb/m use in general, I’m not really buying the drama anyhow. Even in the hands of a non-disabled person, a precision controller isn’t an aimbot. It’s telling to me that pro-level players don’t seem to be complaining much. I suspect it may be because most of them already use $200+ customized “elite” controllers…
Pornhub tweaked their website for compatility a few years back because of the volume of traffic they were seeing from console browsers. Imagine... with the Switch you could seamlessly transition your masturbation between rooms. #thedream
That is not always the case.
There is a line somewhere beyond which a person with disabilities can’t play a game. This line simply does exist. No amount of research, hard work or wishing will make that line disappear completely. This means we all have to, at some point, accept that some demographic will not being playing some games. This means…
Let’s not make the mistake of equating specific unethical/amoral acts performed by specific persons in places of power in America (in a Government as vast and complex as the America government) with the more-or-less status quo policies of the official(s?) that run an autocracy like Russia.
Ignoring the fact that there is easily 100+ hours of pure story/quest content in the game (not all of it great, most of it OK and some of it pretty great).
Yeah... I think he’s missing the bit about never having had played WoW. I know there are players that can make that in under a day but their circumstances and experiences are very different.
From Half-Life’s underwater sequence (I HATE SHARKS)
Oh, sorry... you must have trouble with sarcasm.
Yeah... why make a big fuss about folks in the military brazenly violating regulations they are sworn to uphold?! *eye roll*
The enlisted version of the oath is clearly referencing the importance of the chain of command. You obey the orders of whomever holds the office of President of the Units States of America (as you would any person above you in the chain of command).
This is pretty true most of the time. There have been some small windows where AMD was able to beat out NVIDIA (particularly in price/performance in the mainstream market segment) but in the enthusiast and high end markets NVIDIA dominates most of the time.
There are specific use cases where AMD has an edge (usually…
The trend was undeniably upward most of the time for everyone. However hard you had it in your life the generation before usually had it worse (overall)... so on and so on. That was America. That is what most of us believed in (even from within our personal bubble where things may be better or worse than the person…
Whenever I read an article like this (gut wrenching, terrible)... then peruse the, often nauseating, comments... I’m left wondering how we will all be judged en light of some hard to conceive of future ruled by norms and moral values that may be unrecognizable to even the best of us.
This lady is not a monster. She’s a…
Sexy magnet lips.