They prematurely shot their wad on what was supposed to be a dry run and posted the article early.
They prematurely shot their wad on what was supposed to be a dry run and posted the article early.
That's a crime it didn't make it in here. I played this with my kids this weekend and they loved it. Then my six year old son went upstairs, started cutting construction paper, asked his mom for something, and came in looking like this.
If there's one thing the self-appointed guardians of the Craft Beer Movement™ like to complain about, it's…
this book (…0CBwQ6AEwAA) is pure shit. It goes through various types of whales and what they look like and "do" and is so pretentious I want to hurt my child every time I read it. I'll find some more quotes when I get home but I always come up with an asinine excuse whenever my…
"Love You Forever". Sociopathic old woman cannot cope with the fact that her son is growing up, then as she's dying, those sociopathic tendencies somehow get passed onto her son. Horrible book. I hid it from my 2-year-old after reading it the first time.
The Raspberry Pi is easily one of our favorite DIY devices, and today a brand new model is available. The Raspberry…
Personally, I just use Mint. You can make your budget as simple or as complex as you want it to be. And it's not free, but I've heard really good things about You Need a Budget, too (YNAB). Never actually used it, but everyone who does by it. We've also rounded up some of the best for Android here. And this post on…
Alright, I'll bite. Using this primarily as a PS4 remote play machine on my upstairs TV. For the price of a controller, it's definitely worth it.
Alright, I'll bite. Using this primarily as a PS4 remote play machine on my upstairs TV. For the price of a…
I wouldn't be playing Diablo on the vita (I could do that already with remote play from my PS4, but yeah it would be awful). I would be using the pstv as a way to remote play my PS4 to my upstairs tv instead of moving my PS4 upstairs.
I get SO tired of hearing parents say "Ain't no one got time for that!" You know what? If you don't have time for your children, don't have them! If you choose to be a parent, then make time for it. And DON"T expect preschool to be able to undo all the negative example setting you do at home. (Full disclosure: I ran…
Mimicking what MrList said, Nintendo titles rarely get price drops. While trying to find a replacement game for my kids DS (New Super Mario Bros - that came out in 2012!) I could only find used ones at Gamestop for $30....$30! for a now three year old game.
It's like classic Metroid meets classic Sonic. I downloaded it from my Instant Game Collection knowing nothing about it and it blew my freaking brains out. Took me like 3 hours to clean my living room.
Yes, yes you should. It is perfect on Vita especially. I kinda consider it our generations Sonic of sorts (at least in the platforming sections) and a really solid puzzle/space shooter the rest of the game. One of my favorites and better than the original in almost every way.
If you only bought the games on that list, you'd have a pretty good selection of very good-to-outstanding games for this year. Not bad. I haven't tried Velocity 2X, though. Maybe I should?
So you've just bought Suikoden II on the PlayStation Network. Finally, for the first time ever, you're going to play…
I'm glad your girls turned out fine. I also had preemie boys (3 lbs 3 oz and 3 lbs 8 oz) at 28 weeks. Quite a bit smaller than my previous boy at 10 lbs 7 oz. However, we lost our precious Eric at 5 days and were crushed. If it hadn't been for my smallest surviving against all odds with an apgar score of 1, I don't…
Little man was enormous in NICU at 6 pounds (give or take a gram, hazy few days). He and I had a traumatic emergency (in every sense) c0section - we both nearly died. He inhaled meconium, and it took forceps after he slipped back in twice (transverse makes it HARD to get a kid out). He actually had to be resuscitated…
I fucking love my Vita. Very, very highly recommended.
It's still in beta, but qCast is a great party game for the's like pub trivia but you *have* to use your phones. Google Play qCast Link