
Somebody recognized a contestant from The Bachelor Season 11 during a crowd shot of a baseball game, and we're making fun of the contestant?

He mentioned Shadow Complex in the review.

Did you ever play Shadow Complex for the 360? That game was also a Metroidvania-style game but set in a modern day underground bunker. You unlocked "powers" such as a jump-boosting rocket boots and a gun that could spray foam that hardened to create platforms. AO:BG reminds me of that game from your review.

Kotaku, stop reminding me that we will never see a Shadow Complex 2.

On the play, he received a 15 yard penalty for unnecessary ruggedness

When told the game tape was ambiguous, Belichick said: "Fine, if that's all you have to go on. But I've seen the practice tape, the sideline close-ups, and their halftime locker-room tape. Trust me, the Jets were doing this intentionally."

This needs to be a Kaiser Soze switch. The whole "Trevor" being just a cover story as the Real Mandarin was just manipulating AIM to his own purposes.

Gestapo tactic? Really??

As you can see, "deal" refers to "prime."

This is why they should do random drug testing at work.

I agree, first thing I thought of was Ready Player One as well. This is the only foolproof way to preserve these landmarks. It's not the same as being there, but better than nothing by a longshot. All of these will eventually fall victim to time and weather, but the digital copies will last forever. Plug them into a

I agree, first thing I thought of was Ready Player One as well. This is the only foolproof way to preserve these landmarks. It's not the same as being there, but better than nothing by a longshot. All of these will eventually fall victim to time and weather, but the digital copies will last forever. Plug them into a

That may very well be the case, but at least if you have a reasonable budget and you are using budgeting software, you can get a better idea on how to direct the little income you do have.

He's killing it with these. The Wolverine getting fired was funnier though.

My biggest complaint about Gravity was the stupidity of some of its critics. The prevailing one was people saying things along the lines of why is a medical doctor working on the Hubble?

The dead daughter in Gravity didn't seem written to engender sympathy for Dr. Ryan Stone or to up the drama, as you're suggesting, Will.

And apparently YOU lack reading comprehension as well because you accused me of saying the Vita was last gen (or next gen, I have no idea). Vita games now look pretty damn close to PS3 games. Anyway, the point was, if they're going to release footage for something adored by lots of people, especially after

The graphics look pretty bland for a ps3 game...