
FYI: A mommy with identical twin newborns will never get drunk and mix up her kids because she has no opportunities to drink.
NOTE: This rule does not apply to Lindsay Lohan should she ever [shudder] have twin offspring.

Not sure if others would find this helpful: maybe each review should have a small and quick list somewhere of the reviewers' 5 to 10 most recent reviews and their final recommendations (yes/no/not-yet/etc.). That way, for example, if a reviewer tends to agree with me on most games, and they give a new game a good or

This is one of my most anticipated games of the year. I just got Rayman Origins for my Vita for $6 on PS+ (even though I have the plat on the PS3) and it's such a joy to play. This one looks even better. Still holding out for a PS3-vita cross-buy though (let's say $75 for both versions).

As far as I know, those are the only Simpsons episodes worth quoting.

I Choo Choo Chose to

A first look at my team's new defense! Baltimore Ravens here we go!

Well I'm a Jags fan, so this doesn't affect me in any way.

Thank goodness. I'm so tired of paying all this money to watch these damned guys go out there, do something they think is "good," and then show positive emotion about it. It's such bullshit. This is a precision competition. You carry out your role according to script, you succeed or fail, and you repeat. I've been

I understand what he said was stupid and insensitive, and at most I think he should have been suspended one game, but I don't remember people calling for Roddy White's head when he told the Zimmerman jurors to go kill themselves. How is that any different? I think it's actually WORSE since White was presumably sober

On the topic of redundant characters; that was actually one of the things I enjoyed about the series: they kept evolving through the story. It would have been easy to make a prop-job old lady character and only give her enough lines to move through the case, but they kept adding to her and made Oldbag a memorable

False dichotomy. You don’t have to obsess over pronunciation to get pronunciation right. It comes down to taking a healthy interest in our lovely language’s words (which everyone ought to have), and cultivating a good habit just like good manners or physical grace.

That kid handled it WAY better than I would have at that age.

You paid 350 bucks, until you get 350 bucks worth of enjoyment out of it, it's ridiculous to sell it to somebody unless they will give you the full 350 back, or close to it.

"Toast" is a type of notification that originally got its name from the fact that it would pop up or slide down from the top/bottom of the screen much in the same way toast pops up from a toaster (though not recommended to try and demonstrate this with an upside down toaster).

Are you trying the treetops without all the moves? The last move you pick up is rather key for this platforming section.

and spend hours washing marker out of your nice shirt sleeves and cuffs!

Technically emulating games are the only way some can be played. Also, if I own a copy of DKC2 from 1995, but I don't have a snes to play it on, I see no harm in emulating it. They made their money off it long ago, and they won't receieve any money if I buy a snes at a yard sale. Essentially they're just making you

Go alone. It's okay. Once the music starts, the person next to you becomes utterly irrelevant anyway. They become a nuisance, frankly. No one wants to keep track of old Jimmy when the mosh pit starts heating up. Once you get older, going to concerts and movies alone stops being such a shameful enterprise.