
This is for consumers. I have heard that businesses will still be buying Windows 10 so they'll make money there.

A friend of mine clued me in to this little guy who we affectionately call "Brutal". It lets us pour the perfect black & tan every time. It's the same idea as using the spoon technique and his mouth is a bottle opener!

I've never been that impressed with my GS4 and the loss of removable battery and no expandable storage just seals the deal. Bye bye, Samsung.

Grabbed this a couple weeks ago per a recommendation from another beer-loving friend. It's fantastic.

I was hoping they'd have an online version to let you try out some designs. I would waste soooooo much time on something like that. :)

Will this work though? The people that I know who are anti-vaccine would probably take any attempt to shame them as fuel to become even more anti-vaccine.

Check out YNAB as Kristin mentioned. It's not free though I see it go on sale for around $15 sometimes. It's worth it if you stick to their methodology.


Ok so I have to defend the "eat all your fries first" camp. I am the kind of guy that never, ever, ever runs out of room for my meal so there's no fear of me filling up on fries and not getting to the burger. I typically eat my meal one food at a time starting with the thing I like the least and ending on the item

I've never been a big fan of vinegar. I also don't like it on my boardwalk-style fries. If that makes me a monster than SO BE IT.

Very cool.

This sounds awesome, but I know it's only a matter of time before Bill Belichek and the Patriots start using this technique on their footballs for improved grip in the rain.

Aw man...I had no idea Fables was ending. That's been my one staple for years!

I just want to add to the people telling you to play V2X. It really is fantastic. It's so fast paced and challenging and fun!

Just started Suikoden 1 on the Vita. I'm so excited. This post dropped at the perfect time!

Just thinking about it gives me chills. You're totally right. So far we've seen him two times just sitting around being intense and scary. Everyone has acknowledged how dangerous he is, but he's had all of these other characters doing his work for him. When the time comes for him to throw down it'll be amazing.

Huge huge huge GotG fan. Read the comics, saw the movie opening night (Thursday not Friday), obsessed over it for months before it actually came out.

You're welcome, not that I did much! I'm glad your son is doing well. I know that our experiences in the NICU (and also my wife's recovery from preeclampsia) really changed how I view being a parent and made me a better dad, I think. It sounds like you're a great mom!

I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your son. Reading your words immediately brought tears to my eyes. I won't even pretend I can understand how that feels...I'm sure I wouldn't have handled that situation well though. Is Eric's brother doing ok now?

Been through exactly what he's talking about. I'm the daddy of twin preemie girls (3 lbs 1 oz and 2 lbs 10 oz) at 31 weeks. It was super scary in a lot of ways, but I feel like it made me a better dad. Now they're happy, silly, wonderful 2 1/2 year olds and it's fantastic.