
As a Baltimore native and Ravens fan I laughed........then I sobbed into my hands.

Jesse N. can do that. He has to stick his butt up in the air while he's on his knees and elbows. We used to call him suck n toot. I still remember my first mission's trip in Arizona and he was doing that for 10-15 minutes when everyone laid down to go to sleep. It was awesome.

A lot of that will be explained in the prequels. It'll make more sense then.

Yeah...the laugh track completely ruined this bit for me.

Worst case he's a troll. Best case he's a fool. WORSTEST case is he's a foolish troll!

Yeah...the "8 bit" ness of the levels wasn't as awesome as I expected. I must say that beating the final level in about 3 tries really made me feel good though. :)

Yes...that also elicited an audible laugh from me while I was sitting at my desk at work. haha

I didn't remember it either until the joke hit. Then I was like "Oh yeah!"

I really enjoyed Man of Steel and plan to own it.

It was definitely more expensive, but not excessively so from what I remember. I have been wanting to back things like family photos and videos to Glacier for a while now as a kind of last resort "holy crap, my house burned down and I lost my PC and my 3 backups all in one go". I figure in that situation I won't mind

Ahh, thanks. I'm at work so I admit I skimmed the review and tried to pick out the important stuff. Guess I should have done a Ctrl-F first. :)

Shadow Complex is exactly what I thought reading this review, too!

Did you ever play Shadow Complex for the 360? That game was also a Metroidvania-style game but set in a modern day underground bunker. You unlocked "powers" such as a jump-boosting rocket boots and a gun that could spray foam that hardened to create platforms. AO:BG reminds me of that game from your review.

That got a guffaw out of me, my friend. Thank you for that.

Yeah, it is something like that. The book is really cool.

This idea reminds me of the world from the book Ready Player One. (Highly recommend a read).

This idea reminds me of the world from the book Ready Player One. (Highly recommend a read).

I'm a big KH fan so I'm looking forward to this, but is it just me or do those graphics look like something that was capable on the PS3 2 years ago?

Very cool stuff. I hope it's good as I am a big fan of the Fables series. I remember ripping through the first few trades just to catch myself up and I've been reading ever since.

I like that idea a lot. I use the stairs for this purpose minus the baskets already anyway!