
I've only played 1 Pokemon game before and I enjoyed it, but I've never felt compelled to play others. However, I would buy a WiiU for a Pokemon MMO. Yes, I would.

100% this. The short stories are absolutely fantastic. That movie sucked.

The games are not meant to be treated as open-ended adventure games. They are extremely linear stories where you guide the story progression. I can see why you would be disappointed if you thought the former though.

What is annoying to me is that people keep spinning the loss of the 24 hour check-in as the death of this cloud computing model.

I don't see why this functionality couldn't be used to download any game in chunks in any form even if it's only a singleplayer game as long as the developer builds it to fit this model.

Your post said nothing about comparing their E3 presentations but rather that you were comparing their "innovations". Sony has announced plenty of features separate from E3 that you just happened to leave out. If you were merely summarizing their E3 presentation then you did a poor job of making that clear especially

That's irrelevant. I work with an admitted Xbox fanboy who owns a PS3 and I'm friends with an admitted Sony fanboy who owns an Xbox. If you like some PS4 exclusives you don't have a choice but to own one.

XBox One fanboy troll is trolling? What a surprise there. If you're not going to at least attempt to make a fair statement regarding both consoles then no one is going to take you seriously.

This is pretty much what I just posted (yours is more in-depth though) so I definitely agree.

Of course Sony and Microsoft want to head to a digital-only model. It makes sense for them. The difference is that Sony is working to gradually and gently lead the consumer into that model and Microsoft is bashing everyone over the head with it.

Yeah, I agree. Too much cool stuff happens in the comic to squeeze into a movie unless they split it into multiple movies and I doubt that's happening.

I'm totally fine with the design being basic and all black. I'm at a point where I really don't care what my console or PC looks like as long as it's functional.

But he wasn't Superman when that happened. Assuming the movie takes place in 2013 and he is 33 years old and Pa Kent died in 1997 (I was somewhere right around there), Clark would have been around 17-19 years old. He was still a kid really even though they used Cavill in that scene and he was a kid who

Yeah, but it's not like he just snapped his neck as the easiest solution to the problem. Zod clearly forced his hand by threatening those humans and Supes' only solution was to kill him. I thought they handled it pretty well directly after when he falls to his knees and screams. I don't think it would have made sense

I saw it last night at midnight and I'd have to disagree with this review. I didn't find any part of the movie boring at all. I thought the story and the acting were quite engaging. I loved Cavill's approach to the character as he was constantly keeping himself in check. Those moments felt especially powerful when you

I thought the same thing. Parents take their kid to meet Iron Man and they can't change him out of a Superman t-shirt? :)

All I saw in this was "screw on the go". I love screwing on the go! haha

I like the idea of expanding Achievements outside of just games. I've always thought it'd be cool if the Xbox 360 could do that. Heck...Visual Studio 2010 had/has a plug-in that supports Achievements and I think it's great.

This makes me a very sad person. Very sad. My puppy just got run over by a truck sad. Evil aliens just abducted my fiancee on our wedding day sad. The XBone selling really well at launch instead of being rejected by everyone sad.

This is absolutely insane! INSANES I TELLS YA.