
Yeah, Sony would have been better never offering the service at all. If it hadn't existed I'd have gone "Oh well, never expected it", but to have it exist and not be taken advantage of just seems silly. The Vita clearly needs all of the help it can get based on the sales numbers.

I think you're letting your love of the Vita skew your opinion on this (and before anyone disagrees I know the Dr. in real life and it really bothers him that people aren't buying the Vita).

This doesn't affect me, a PSP owner who really likes the Vita, or my friend who sold me his PSP and is planning to pick up a Vita at launch.

Yeah, I say go for it! If you really like the instrument you'll enjoy playing it and you'll do fine!

I'm going to reply to everyone on it and point out that you're getting a Kinect. :)'re right. The reason I never started when I was younger and had more free time was because I had no place to keep or play drums. :) Now I have a nice size single family home. Thankfully they also make rubber practice pads that replaces the snare drum and you can use that when watching TV without being too

How very interesting since you are planning to buy one now. :)

I'm actually learning to play the drums at the ripe old age of 30. I am not taking lessons for the reason that I 1) don't want to spend the money when I have a mortgage and other bills and twin daughters on the way and 2) don't know that I'd have the time to truly commit to a teacher.

Such a good point and you're totally right about the story being bigger than the characters.

I know. That's not what I was saying at all.

Not really. The software and codebase that powers Steam and the games that are played via Steam are very seperate and very different entities from a mobile app. Plus, just because someone owns a Windows PC does not mean they would definitely own a Windows Phone. I know zero people in real life with a Windows phone

People actually own Windows Phones? I've yet to meet someone in real life with one. I used to have a Windows Mobile 6 phone, but that was it.

Find "Nintendo", replace with "Kyoto-based game maker".

NERF guns are the best. My friends and I just had our 2nd Nerf battle in the multi-purpose room at our church. We had about 10-12 adult men armed to the teeth with modded and unmodded Nerf guns. We set up tables and other types of barricades as cover. Then we battle elimination style with each player having 2 lives

That may be, but what you consider to be the start of salary negotiation and what the editors at Lifehacker consider it are probably different things (especially considering the articles posted). So, complaining about editorial coherency based on your views on salary negotiation doesn't make sense.

Speaking of hatred of Bats:

That's how I got mine. Such a fun, fun game. The four player co-op is insane, but it's really fun, too!

Except you're completely ignoring the context of the two articles. This one is referring to the initial online application that you fill out before even getting an interview because you can be automatically filtered out before a human ever sees it.

You make a compelling argument! :)

My wife and our two closest friends (who are married to one another) used to get together to play Mario Party several times a month. Those were fun times. I'd be tempted to grab this if I thought we had to time to plan another one of those nights!