The next time we play, let's do normal campaign instead of Arcade mode and see if that corrects it.
The next time we play, let's do normal campaign instead of Arcade mode and see if that corrects it.
Maybe it's because we're playing in Arcade mode? I'll have to try it in normal Campaign and see if it does that.
Question for Gears fans...
I'm the friend that the Dr. is referring to. I'm sure he said PS2. I rewound it and listened again to be sure (much to my wife's annoyance...haha). A guy at work heard it, too.
Have you ever played Horde? It's awesome. They have human vs human mp too. These modes are in addition to that. Why would they duplicate a mode they already have?
This is one of the games that will cause me to buy a 3DS. One of the other games is Phoenix Wright vs Professor Layton (if we get it in the US).
That would be awesome! They'd have to throw the word "sumoflange" in there, too! :)
What I really liked about the video was how the cameraman moved the camera at one point so that you could see the actual floor in order to prove (I assume) that there were, in fact, no tiny, animated warriors battling there. :)
Gamestop online is currently selling the Move and it's peripherals for 50% off (in case you wanted to grab a Move). I grabbed a Move, a Nav controller, and Sharpshooter.
Considering I was planning on picking up both the PSV and ZotE immediately, this is fantastic, fantastic, FANTASTIC news.
I don't think it looks that bad as long as the music is enjoyable and has that "Finaly Fantasy" feel to it. The battle theme bit you showed looked awesome because it sounded like the exact music from FFVI. The first few bits looked terrible, but I'm guessing that was the very beginning of the game.
The bigger question is whether the game will let you change the way your Shepard looks at the beginning and, if so, how will they work it into the story? :)
I punch her every time as well. Hilarious!
Agreed. And when it happened they should have also been forthcoming about it with customers who may have been expecting the coupon. Then the customer can decide whether to take the game or get their money back. Instead, Gamestop tried to do it without anyone finding out. That's my problem with it all.
Exactly. Whatever happened, the customer should have been the last one to be impacted. Gamestop could have chosen to do this. Instead, they screwed their customers over. If anything, they should have given their customers a code to access the game through their service instead. To me, this is theft. Any customer…
Once I'm done using up my Gamestop gift cards, I think I'm going to start taking my business elsewhere. There is no game that I need on day 1 and I can always use Amazon instead. These are just ignorant business practices and they prove that Gamestop has absolutely zero care for serving their customers. It's…
If you're not using the kill chain features then you're missing out. That was one of the best additions to AC:B. It took the normal fights that you described and turned them into something where you really felt like a deadly assassin. I could take out 4-5 guys in a matter of seconds.
And now that I have graduated with my Master's Degree in CS I can enjoy this DLC without worrying about homework! Yay! Sucks for everyone still in school. :)
I know! What a bunch of jerks. Releasing free content. The nerve!