
I got really excited that there was actually a HouseParty event happening that I could apply for and get free stuff! :(

@Makoto: Yeah, exactly what I was thinking!

I don't even know how to pronounce that name. haha

Yeah, I've already played the demo about a hundred times! It's so much fun. I cannot wait for the full game. They did a good job showing off some of the new features.

I really really really hope there's a new character from FFVI!!! I'm thinking that Edgar, Celes, Shadow, Cyan, or even Gau would be really fun.

@Slagathorian: Save the trees and kill the children.: I was surprised that it grabbed me the way it did. It probably took about an hour of playing to really understand the mechanics. Once I go there, I was hooked. Took me a long time to get really good at them and I'm by no means perfect with them so there's room

@Hongo: Wow. That's insane.

Hmmm...I usually only got games that I actually asked for so it was rare that I got a bad game.

@BaconXBits: I see what you mean, but with the ability to play from an SD card, I don't think they should be quite so strict about it now. Should any game be allowed to break the size limit? No. Should certain games? Yes. Just throw up a disclaimer when someone tries to download it that they should really run it

There needs to be a way to make exceptions to that rule. To not allow a game like Super Meat Boy, which would sell really well, I think, because of size limitations is ridiculous. It's almost 2011 here! I think we can all handle games that are greater than 40MB!

@tloial: Nice elitist attitude you have there. Everyone else has already covered all of the points on why you have no idea what you're talking about.

@gurfinki: Yes, exactly. The only difference was that my mini-game isn't racist. :)

That was a cool way to use WarioWare: DIY. Makes me want to jump back in and finally design some of those mini-games I've been thinking about.

@Benstamania: Agreed. I wouldn't want U1 and U2 in live action form. I'd want a new story be it a prequel, sometime in bewteen the two, or sometime after. I don't care as long as it stays true to the characters and the feel of the games.

At this point, based on what the director has said is the overall story of the series (treasure hunting family, etc), I think it's best to leave Fillion out.

@slim934: Agreed. These games are the ultimate in "interactive cinematic experiences". It really feels like you're playing a movie where you control what happens. A lot of games show you movies and cut scenes, but the Uncharted games do such a fantastic job of blending gameplay with cut scenes.

I use my 360, PS3, and Wii for Netflix streaming. The 360 is in the basement on the LCD, the PS3 is on the main floor with the plasma, and the Wii is in the bedroom on the standard def TV. I also use the PS3 for Blu-rays.

Of that list, the ones I absolutely must play include LBP2, Portal 2, Gears 3, Arkham City, and Uncharted 3. Those are definite buys. That's not even counting games that will come out and be surprisingly awesome and cause me to want them, too!