
@somarix: I had never seen that. That was hilarious. My favorite part was the ending. :)

I'm sure this has been said, but I can almost guarantee that the reason has to do with the 360 coming with a headset. If any kid can get online and has the mechanism provided to chat, he's going to chat. The PS3 doesn't come with a headset and it isn't super easy to get a Bluetooth headset working 100% perfectly so

I want this! I love the various takes on Batman.

I took my 360 as carryon when I traveled because I feared this exact thing. I have a really nice Xbox backpack so I just threw all my carryon stuff in there along with my DS and PSP and took it on. I had to take the Xbox out to be scanned, but that was it. I got to take the Xbox and I had piece of mind that it was

@def PD: My problems with it exactly. It seems like no one has headsets on the PS3, too, and I think headsets are crucial to this game. You can't organize an attack or a defense without speaking to each other and then the games turn into these constant repeated efforts that just fail. When my friends and I all

@Lord Raggleus Fraggleus: I don't really care about Miis or Avatars or whatever, but I think Home is the worst of the bunch. At least the 360 avatars are integrated into Live. I never see my Home avatar because I never use Home because it's terrible.

@uncutlateralus: I buy a lot of games used, but I disagree. Sure, what you do with your games is your choice and that is capitalism. But what they're doing is fair. They're not blocking you from getting the content. They're just making you pay for it if you buy used.

@Dr. Tobias Funke (analrapist): Because there weren't really any major 360 exclusives this year. Most of the good games were multi console. You didn't see a Gears game, for instance. One year does not a pattern make. Just starting 2010 and a new Mass Effect is coming (i.e. an awesome 360 exclusive). You have GoW3

@Mike Fahey: As someone else pointed out, it's smartassery (great word!). I don't use it with people that I don't know in real life, but I will use it on my friends simply to emphasize my reply. :)

I loved U2. It was a fantastic game and one of my faves in 2009. I didn't give it GotY credit personally because it didn't really do anything new. Yes, it did a lot of things and it did them really, really, really well, but it didn't introduce something I hadn't seen before.

Congrats to both of them! That's awesome! :)

@BIGE1312: Agreed. Stick to writing comics, sir.

@Andrew Wyatt: But Batman also fights. If you read the comics, he's not always stealthy. He's stealthy when it's needed. I thought the entire game fit Batman perfectly.

Yeah, except Batman also gets in there and kicks the crap out of bad guys. In the sneaking sections, you couldn't take many bullet shots before you died. The rest of the time, you were fighting guys without guns so you took them on directly. Plus, your health only "recharged" from taking out guys.

Those dislikes you posted are an immediate "no thank you" for me. They are unacceptable "bugs" with a game like this.