
That was amazing. I need to learn how to play the drums.

As soon as these fixes start making Home interesting, I'll try it again. It was a yawn-fest when I tried it a few days ago.

I grew up a heavy metal/hard rock guy listening to Metallca, Megadeth, Sepultura, Pantera, Sabbath, Zeppelin, AC/DC, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, STP, etc. I love Brad Paisley's music. He plays a mean guitar and he can really jam. His concerts are great.

I've always been a rock/metal guy, but I really enjoy Brad Paisley. He can really jam on the guitar so this should be interesting.

I always took it that Luke was speaking to him on the same level (or higher) beause Luke was a Jedi. He was showing Jabba that he could be reasonable, but that Jabba had no power over him.

Thanks for the review, Mike. This info has solidified my decision NOT to get this game. I loved AC for the GC and the DS, but I can only enjoy the same stuff a couple of times before it gets stale.

Sounds like they are making it more "creative" in what you can design and do, but they are simplifying the planning and controlling of your Sims.

I have personally been blown away by Gears 2. I actually went in with high expectations and they were met and then exceeded. Granted, I'm just about to finish the game so I can't comment on the ending, but the the story and gameplay so far is amazing.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...............phew, that was great. I think I got it all out. Oh wait...hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha....

SimAnt was the awesome. The feeling of taking out a rival any colony was great. You stupid red ants!!!

Kutless is in that list??? That totally redeemed the whole thing for me. I love Kutless. Maybe we'll see some more down the line. One can only hope.

I think Sam Raimi should direct a WoW movie. Just imagine all of the Horde running around in tight jeans with emo haircuts to show how "badass" they are. It works! Trust me!

I love love love Maniac Mansion. That is a game I'd still play on the NES if I owned it.

I really hope they add a ton and this isn't just Punch-Out with better graphics. So far, those characters are from the original and seem to act the same. I guess we'll see.

@fadecy: Your comparison is illogical. Other games at least have a story to follow and that story changes for each game. So even if the gameplay is only slightly improved, you at least get a new experience from it. There is no story in AC so the gameplay is the ONLY experience. So when they take the easy road and

Ugh. I am so disapointed. I love love love the AC games. I played the heck out of the GC and DS versions. But when nothing major gets added or fixed, I will not be buying. I don't care if they have voice chat. There are so many opportunities to enhance the AC experience beyond adding waggle.

@Lightman: I think you're dead wrong there. That's like saying 2 side scrollers are exactly the same just because they're both side-scrollers. If one game makes it very hard to land jumps and perform basic side-scroller moves and the other does it wonderfully, I think it'd be fair to say one is better than the other.

If this was a Metallica add-on or something like that, I'd be all over this. ALL OVER. But, I've never been a huge AC/DC fan. I like them, but I don't $40 like them. :)

@Struct09: Exactly! hah...that is the one song that I will miss when moving over to RB2.

I'd much rather rent the game for $6, rip the songs for $5, and have anything I could possibly want instead of paying $2 per song. There are easily more than 6 songs I'd want from RB1 as DLC so it pays to rent and rip. (I just coined that term ;))