It was, shall we say, the best of the three “sequels”. They were all steaming piles of doodoo, insulting their audiences, their characters, their actors and the craftspeople who worked on them. TLJ was a steaming pile of doodoo with aspirations. So well done for that, I suppose.

If you have an H-Mart near you, get their sushi. Honestly H-Mart sushi is better than most local sushi places in my area.

I have this at the Kroger near me. BUT... the sushi is right where you come in, so i have to have sushi in my unrefrigerated cart for an hour while I shop.. and no. I’m not going all the way back tot he entrance when i am done.

They might but there is a loophole. You just need to provide a cash option somewhere. So, for example if you were talking about buying a beer, there would have to be at least one somewhere in the stadium who accepts cash.

Apparently the private thing is also iffy... if you try to pay a debt in pennies or postage stamps (they are considered legal tender here and can be returned for full value) to a private company they can decline. While government can’t refuse it they can bill you for the time it takes to count them.

That’s ok, real Mexican places take cash.

The Founders just couldn’t envision the majesty of certain things we have today:  The internet, machine guns and the cheesy gordita crunch are three prime examples.

I don’t support this behavior but Jim Riley’s reaction seems a bit over the top. He almost “passed out” from the sight of it.

“This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private*”

Homeless. They’re called homeless. How you decide to virtue signal in an article about Taco Bell is really something else.

Taco Bell, choice of late night stoners wants to get rid of cash? Not sure how that would go over with that crowd.

Why? Their food isn’t good anymore. It hasn’t been good in a while. 

underrated comment

Usually this type of thing is more suited for a Lamborghini 

Yep the best looking “steelies”

Yeah they’re records

I've been out-pedantic'd, and I'm here for it.

Why good sir, I believe you meant to type LEGO™.

I don’t think this style is trying to emulate steel wheels - it’s more of an homage to the Campagnolo alloys you’d find on period Alfas and obviously the Dunlop alloy which, to my knowledge, is the first ever wheel in this style:

It’s kind of weird they’re 16" only, but I’m hoping they offer some 15" sizes in the near future. I’m more excited about the Bridgestone Super R.A.P. making a return later this year.