In many ways I am more surprised there are still any Lincoln dealerships - I havet seen one around here in ages.

media is in bed with oil - they are also happy to push any story about how EV’s are bad. 

Ok, the Suzuki Esteem made me laugh - i had forgotten all about the existence of that one.

yes, that is fair. and almost certainly what a sane and smart marketing department would have done - but again... here is Tesla doing tesla stuff.

Look I know we love to shit on Tesla, but Subaru has like what 40 years of offroad development under their belt? There is a learning curve to be sure

But.. I need to able to “see over traffic” i feel safer in my tank

I feel like a Chrysler New Yorker with that velour interior is the perfect Swinger car.

pretty excited for my flight monday

Damn no Nissan Cube earth and Moon cluster 

really - is that why the cancelled the flight - it sure seems like 4 screws should be a problem. or did a manager realize that no one had actually looked at this plane?

Dodge Dart Swinger.. ah you know what neverminded im not going there.

I prefer fun colors. I had a Tangerine Scream St for a few years - and always have tried to find fun colors, but my current car is the most boring gray you could imagine. does it bother me 2500 bucks for a nice wrap.. no

Its amazing. I had a 2010 Cube. With a roofrack just lke the one shown here. I lvoed that car- did a 170k on before i cooked the motor.

This is EXACTLY the correct answer. 

I did pretty well, this was right when the 300C and Magnum, had just dropped, we were also moving tons of Pity Cruisers and Wranglers. But even with that i dont think I cleared 60k either year.

When i sold cars in like 2005-2007 i did not make anything at all ike 200k. i think i made like 55k a year.

No You’re famous >

I’ll pass on this one - but I wish them the best of luck. Who knows. i mean look at all the clowns buying up insulated cups at wild prices because they come in different colors..

Oh man that looks sooo good. My guess is that its one of these East coast limestone water things, where here in Colorado we dont have the right water for the crust and it will be chewy and not crispy. 

I think that one on top was like really really bad.