MASK was transformers for poor kids

Now all they need is someone foolish enough to buy one. 

I also wanted a Delica SO SO bad and almost imported one. Then one day on I-70 headed up the hill, i saw one stuck in the right lane with blinkers on doing like 40.. because it wouldnt go any faster and i got over my van life ideas real quick.

I’ll make you a great deal on it... but be ready to drive 60 MPH home from colorado. 

Yeah I would have gotten arrested that day - I have always wanted to try a door slide - and that would have been the day. sure i would would have given it more than ab hour - but at hour 3... in coach as a 6 foot 6 inch tall person.. yeah im out.

I want one of these so bad. This or a Morgan, something just silly. but its way down the list of cars i am allowed to spend money on. 

I always wondered if they were or they werent

I had this one as a toy when i was a kid. I loved these things. My buddy had the big semi truck one. 

OH no - we posted these at exactly the same moment. 

Archer - It has lots of great cars, but nothing is better than Kreigers Van.

wait hang on - everyone plays as the same character. this isnt at all what i thought it would be. I guess i had my acronyms mixed up. thought it would be more like GTA or WOW where i could be what i wanted to be..

i am not. And the parts of town that do work on JDM stuff are so far away the are basically dead to me. Landrover? 

Wear safety glasses - cut the belt

As you all may know I have this JDM Pajero Diesel that I picked up a few years ago. I have learned to fix a handful of things on it, and almost all of those have gone well. The thing they dont really tell you is how hard non essential parts are to find.

People of Color - Colored People.

Yeah, let me amend that note- I’ll buy one as soon as they are in stock and dealer markups have stopped.

If its any help to him, i do intend on buying one of those electric vans.

Its funny. I had a older British guy that i worked with when i was first getting going. He had had a hard time of life, not much had ever broken his way. One day - he grabbed me, and was like - Quit.. get out of this business now while you can. I have havent had a Saturday off since 1994