I take my family to hooter pretty often. The outfits arent nearly as bad as they were in the 80s/90s. The wings are really decent here. My daughter loves the grilled cheese and wings combo plate.

They are holding value well. When i got my most recent car I looked at Genesis - and man they are all still very pricey

My back still hurts from a time i had to drive one 1300 miles a long time ago.

yes exactly!

If there were no exclusives, then why would the world need two kinds of consoles to play them? If Halo was on PlayStation i would never even have considered an Xbox

The cross section of snowmobile owners and climate change deniers is pretty big - but I doubt they will make the connection. I assume they will just blame the gays for the lack of snow.

Do you like movies about Gladiators?

Thanks - you arent wrong - I will ask her for a longer connection time text time.

Ooh Just had one a couple months ago.

i for one applaud it. go big or go home

pff. loser, i bet you dont even have a Punisher logo on your van. 

Most folks really don’t know, Fathoms, Leagues, or cable lengths..

This is the first movie i have ever wanted to see but rrestrained myself from to make sure to let WB know that i do NOT support thier decision to stand behind Ezra Miller.

But.. I need to be able to see over traffic. If I cant, i don’t feel like I am in control of the road. And If i dont have the biggest possible truck how will anyone possibly respect me as a person?

I want one sooo bad. There is a customized one near me with the best sounding exhaust I have ever heard. Its like 10 year old me with a Ferrari poster - i just know i would love it.

You forgot my favorite one calling diners “Canadians”

It was a lot of asbestos cleanup also from what I have heard. 

still looks like a PS1 render - i hate it

well to be fair the interiors are Dodge products

God this is amazing - if anyone offered this today i would sell my Jag and buy it.