
Plus Roku has GBTV.

I know this will never happen... but if they were to allow it to stream from DLNA servers including media encoded in divx and wmv it would sell WAY better.

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Maybe that bridge in Bratislava is the one that takes the train to Berlin?

My husband is a hate listener. His daily routine is Beck/Limbaugh/Hannity/Levin

Typical Westsider. Here on the east side of the state we currently have three inches of snow on the ground.

Out of curiosity, how many women with fake breasts have you been with? Also, have you ever talked/been with a woman with tuberous breasts?

Yup, it was always great reading his anti-gay marriage posts all the while knowing he and his wife were non-monogamous.... and she was still cheating on him as well. Great people!

I defriended a guy who fancied himself as a Reagen conservative, I only knew him because my husband used to fuck his wife (we are non-monogamous, and so we/are they). He found out because he found some horseshit study about teaching minority children abstinence only sex ed and how good it was and he wanted to share it

I believe it, they may get in more accidents, but they drive so fucking slow that they aren't as serious.

I had an older lady ask me to turn the key to start her car because she didn't have the strength in her wrists to do it. WTF.

I was comparing both, because they are both non-medically necessary cosmetic procedures that seem to be done quite often for vanity's sake. Of course they are not exactly the same, but it is quite easy for a person to draw parallels.

I hear ya. My husband's bulge is quite prominent in his loose fitting jeans. I'm pretty sure he would get a call from HR if he were to wear skinny jeans to the office or onsite to a clients.

Um, I wasn't talking about this specific issue, I was speaking in general.

I was addressing non-medically necessary cosmetic procedures on one's child, not being topless in front of one's parents.

One doesn't have to go under general anesthesia for breast implants. Also, some choose to go under for dental work.

That's interesting, my Canadian husband has said this is a not-uncommon term there, and knows several people of British decent that have had surgery for this reason.

As the former owner of braces and the current owner of breast implants, I can tell you that, in my experience, the breast implant process was much easier, quicker, and less painful.

I got mine at 19, and since then have lost some weight, and surprisingly I have lost a full cup size.

What are peoples thoughts on a orthodontist father putting non-medically necessary braces on his underage daughter?

Sex and Finances can be two of the most important things in a couple's life, and yet learning how to do either of those two things well is not a focus in our education for some reason.