
My husband is very happy our Yorkies hate children of all ages, no babies for us!

I'm pretty sure that OWS people and their ilk have no problem wallowing in their own filth.

I think the fact is that everyone has an LGBTQ relative, and it's just sad that those with Conservative leanings are willing to throw those close to them under the bus.

Yup, he/she has no idea what they are talking about. My husband and I chose to live in the US because it is FAR quicker and cheaper to immigrate to the US. That being said, neither is challenging... all it takes is a little patience.

My husband has his from BC, and yes, the doctor accepted it, but then he was sent an invoice from the Province that he had to pay.

A lot of Americans abuse the system by getting citizenship in Canada, not paying any taxes, but coming up to Canada when they are sick and take advantage of our healthcare.

btw, I wasn't trying to be a smartass, I was completely confused where the Pineapple trees were when I first visited Hawaii... and it's early and I was having a blonde moment!

Great comment! Just a side note, Pineapples grow in the ground, not in trees

Don't forget the one that's opposed to 'the gay lifestyle' and yet is married to a gay man!

If the health concerns are legitimate, that should be up to the minor and their doctor to decide.

I would love for someone to come back and say 'I did pray, and he said he was cool with it. In addition to that, the flame on my gas range oven told me that gays are awesome and he loves scissoring!'

You're welcome!

I would recommend being more intimidating when doing the final walk through. My husband has never no received his full damage deposit back.

Care to define porn for me?

There is definitely something to be said for attending clubs where cell phones and cameras are not allowed.

4.5" in circumference is quite small, but I've seen much smaller.

As the wife of an immigrant, and the in-law of immigrants I couldn't agree with you more, and his family would agree with you 100% as well.

I am aware that Christians, Jews and Muslims all worship the exact same god, and some words may be challenging to translate, but I think it might be hard to mess up flooding an entire world, spreading people across the land and making them not understand eachother and destroying entire cities... Last time I checked

Sure there are some parts that are good suggestions, but let's face, the Abrahamic god (The Old Testament, The Koran and The Torah) is an amazingly jealous asshole. Sure the Christians get a kind of apology with, 'well I guess I was an asshole, but here I'll let my son die... but don't worship me/him and you'll still