
Cheating is awful (always). Consensual non-monogamy is awesome (for some people).

Yup, I know many many Evangelicals that don't consider Catholics Christians because of that and their apparent worship of the virgin Mary

There's also something about worshiping false idols and most Christians would say that Mormon Prophets are false idols.

Don't worry, I got what you were saying :)

I think the benefit would be greater involvement and, like I said, responsibility. Nowhere did I suggest cutting costs, I just said that I would rather see that money be spent as more of a systemic/cultural fix.

Regarding neglectful parents: CPS issue

That's a CPS issue, and like I have stated before, cases like this should be handled on a case by case basis.

Household: LCII

I agree, schools are for teaching, and I have zero issues with teaching about nutrition or even having cooking classes and IMO it is a shame that home ec, finance and physical education classes do not get enough focus/funding. That being said, I think that having blanket programs teaches a kind of reliance on the

Who says there aren't any problems? I said I look up North for solutions to problems that we have on a much grander scale.

It would be interesting to know whether or not it is a case by case solution vs. blanket rule. I absolutely do not think that children in need should not be given aid, what I am against is taking away all responsibility from parents and putting it all on schools.

I'm sorry, you're right, I did overlook the First Nations issue.

I've lived in both large cites and small cities in both countries and I can tell you from my experience the language issue exists in both countries, but instead of Spanish you get Hindi or Mandarin. I have family that are teachers in both countries and they tell the exact same stories about ESL issues.

Was there a policy in place not allowing you or your parents to make and brown bag lunch?

see my response to @onthecornerofparkerandwoolf

Of course it is easier, but easier does not always equal better.

I'm hoping that these children are the exception, not the rule and that should be addressed on an individual basis instead of making their needs the rule for everyone.

If food deserts are the issue, I would much rather see that addressed by local government by building grocery stores instead of end production being handled by the school district.