A friend at a party this weekend responded to a sarcastic “We’ll be fine!...” with “No, seriously, most of us in this room will be fine. And we need to remember that if things seem bad to us, they’re a thousand times worse for many others.”
A friend at a party this weekend responded to a sarcastic “We’ll be fine!...” with “No, seriously, most of us in this room will be fine. And we need to remember that if things seem bad to us, they’re a thousand times worse for many others.”
Masha Gessen’s remarkable composure when she discusses impending doom makes her case all the more terrifying. Her interview with Sam Bee was scary, but her writing is downright paralyzing (and vital):
I’m glad they are finally defunding Sesame Street. Kids today are too used to being given everything. In my day, if we wanted to watch puppets count to ten, we had to go and farm our own sheep, shear them ourselves, make wool, knit socks with needles we had whittled from trees we grew ourselves, stick our hands in the…
If I literally thought abortion = killing a baby, I’d be pretty dead set against it, too!
Serious question, is Tim Kaine a feminist? He is against abortion but said he would never legislate against it.
I think you can be a feminist and anti-abortion, but you can’t be a feminist and be anti-choice. Feminism isn’t about the right to “live out our womenhood.” It’s about working to liberate women from the oppression of the kyriarchy. Feminists don’t have to see abortion as an option for themselves, but attempting to…
Religious communities can provide a lot of support for people. I know that it’s very chic to hate on religion for any number of reasons, but having community can be very important to life satisfaction. I sincerely doubt Lindsey has many (any?) quality friends and if she’s able to find people to support her,…
An atheist friend of mine - who happened to have a serious drinking problem, cirrhosis and all - accepted her friend’s invitation to attend a pentecostal worship about a year ago. Yes, she is still an atheist. No, she no longer drinks. Yes, she still goes to that church.
Has everyone forgotten that the actual Pulse shooter, Omar Mateen, had a history of domestic violence?! He abused his first wife to the point that she filed for divorce after only four months. It was so bad that he “often assaulted [his first wife] while she was sleeping, attacked her for simple things like not…
Dave Lozo is my hero.
Yes, thank you. I was scanning the comments and thinking maybe I was the only person who almost missed the obviously very important and valid point of the PSA because I spent the entire thing distracted trying to figure out what THE FUCK is going on with that lady’s face?!
As a Jewish convert with Muslim friends, I say FUCK YOU!
I almost hate to agree, but ick. Maybe a grandchild of a Japanese internment resident telling their story fading to present day young Muslim American picking up the story and making the point. Kind of annoying how there was this “non-negotiable” aspect that everyone is annoyed/dismayed by. It will miss the mark…
I think that was a lovely ad, and I appreciate Katy Perry for helping to fund it, but I think there needs to be a reality check.
Yeah, sorry the prosthetics are awful. They should have had a REAL elderly Japanese woman, then cut to a scene where a REAL Muslim young woman peeled off a mask that vaguely resembled the real elderly woman. (It wouldn’t have to be perfect or even good because the woman’s hands and arms would have covered most of…
Eternal gif is eternal:
Meryl Streep took the stage on Sunday to accept the Cecil B. DeMille Lifetime Achievement award at the Golden…
The parents are committed to act as a united front to effectuate recovery and reunification.”
Angelina has since self-appointed herself as Goodwill Ambassador to Damascus.