OK, it took me a long time to get it, but I see it now that they really are cute together. I’m happy for her, she got away from that creep Tom Cruise and found happiness. You just never know who will end up being your lobster. You go, crazy kids.
OK, it took me a long time to get it, but I see it now that they really are cute together. I’m happy for her, she got away from that creep Tom Cruise and found happiness. You just never know who will end up being your lobster. You go, crazy kids.
As soon as I found out I was having a girl, I started wearing a pink bow in my pubic hair.
Riding a pair of crazes, my partner and I threw a Hamilton-themed gender reveal party. We hired two local urchin children to participate in the reveal and dressed them in blue- and pink-tinted period garb. After an acai bowl brunch, our guests gathered in the courtyard. Both children – the boy child playing Alexander…
The only type of gender reveal party I ever want to be at is one where the baby is revealed to be a female... unicorn.
Would I feel differently if it were a woman artist? Yes. Absolutely. I’d still think it was stupid, and I’d still have major problems with the message of “earth mother pretty lady” bullshit. But I wouldn’t actively dislike the artist as much.
Originally I thought the artist was female, and my thought was “this woman is so far up her own ass she’s probably coming out of her own mouth.”
Oh - I get it now - the secret to getting a bunch of women to lay naked in the street is to tell them it's empowering.
Man wants to advance the cause of woman, tells 100 women to get naked for art. Yeah, I’m not impressed either.
Yeah, I’m not really thrilled with the reinforcement of the idea of women’s bodies as an “embodiment of nature” more than men’s bodies. The woman-as-nurturing-earth-mother-figure is not necessarily feminist. When it’s used to suggest that women are fundamentally different from men—more nurturing, more connected to…
O my gerd, so much yes to this!
Yeah, I have a hard time seeing it as anything else too. It’s amazing how naked women can be used as a symbol for nearly anything. Thing is, no matter what the subject, it’s still objectification. This thing is especially dubious since it’s a white dude yelling “for our daughters!” LOL, wut?
Oh cool, white dude asking 100 women to pose nude for difficult-to-decipher performance peice about “the sacred feminine” for a bunch of people who are already too dense to give a shit about women. Thank you, smart arty man, for figuring out how to communicate for us! We should’ve just been holding up mirrors and…
#mophie is love, #mophie is life
This is brilliant, and so true. Narcissists ‘need’ to see their children in a certain way in order to confirm their rightness and superiority to themselves. And it wreaks havoc on a child’s life: s/he is not seen and loved as a whole person but as the shadow the parent cannot acknowledge in him/herself and so madly…
I also loved how Larry Wilmore did not give a single fuck about the audience. He straight up did not care about their opinion or their reactions except to laugh at them for being a tough (white) crowd.
ok ok I feel really bad for how the commenters are treating this piece at the moment, so let me just say....even though I didn’t like it, a lot of the harsher comments are just us being jerks. Everybody here likes being the funny asshole and it runs away with us. It takes guts to write something and have it out there,…
I know yesterday I said I wanted more long prose articles but maybe I misspoke...
I know these letters and most of the words, but I can’t tell what they are trying to say.