
I don't know how far in the books you've read but BOOK 2-3 SPOILERS ahead!

I read them so quickly that it may indeed have been Murtagh. Can't wait for the scene!

YESSS I always look suspiciously over at my husband when we're watching the show and he starts texting or playing Clash of Clans (curse that addictive app!), but there was NONE of that this episode. To initially get my husband into the show, I played up the warfare/rebellion aspect of it. Since our families hail from

HAH, I always feel tense about showing my love for the Jaimie/Claire pairing around my man since the show did such a good job of making Frank into a three-dimensional character and a viable love interest for Claire. My husband and I were so sold on the couple from episode one that as soon as he saw the Jaimie-Claire

Was Rupert the other unmarried man? I can't recall but I do remember some funny lines where he was jokingly questioning Claire's willingness to go with a virgin like Jamie when she could have a "REAL MAN" like him. It was humorous so I hope they include that next ep! Because I just love the actors who play Rupert and

I agree that Black Jack's resemblance to Frank is definitely something that would drive a wedge in between Claire and Frank. LOL, for a second my gullible husband thought he had the whole plot figured out when it looked as though Claire saw Randall as redeemable. MyGuy: "MMMHMM they're totally going to make him into

Correction: the IDF killed more than 2000 people in *Gaza* - not the West Bank. While both are the occupied Palestinian territories, Gaza is basically an open-air prison, while the West Bank experiences its own difficulties as Israel builds more illegal settlements and Palestinian civilians have unequal access to

corgies_for_PM, reading your comments provided the solace I needed right now as I reread Outlander! I first read the book a decade ago when I was a teen and was disgusted by the beating then. I managed to move past it and read four subsequent books in the series until I lost interest. However, I was so stoked for

that is some AMAZING dancing. wowwww. <3 So beyonce-inspired. I wonder how much of this they are actually singing live...but I don't even care bc DAT CHOREO!

Check out Earth sandals! I always see my mom wearing ugly Earth sandals but I was surprised to find some really cute styles. I now have a pair and they have no heel AND an amaaazing insole. Examples:…

I second the Clarks suggestion for flats.

Ok, they corrected that typo now.

First Lady *Michael* Obama?

Now playing

I haven't done the research but I'm sure that also plays a part in it! By the way, you might be interested in seeing this short documentary on shadeism:

Well, it can be a mix of both as people are more complicated and influenced by numerous cultural influences. We also have to talk about a long history of British colonialism that contributed to the particular South Asian emphasis on fair skin or white beauty standards. Then this preference gets warped in new ways when

I think that is exactly what's going on! I know so many children of immigrants in my generation who denigrate OTHER people of color because they think race doesn't really lead to any obstacles in America that could be overcome by hard work. And I know plenty of supposedly proud South Asians who also obsess about

Hey KrishnaPineapple, I just want to say that I really appreciate the way you put this. I am half white and half Pakistani with roots from all over. I can't even speak urdu properly and know my future kids will be even worse at it. I tend to disregard the pressure or guilt that aunties try to instill in us, but


Thanks for the recommendation. Downloading it now. I'm fed up with all this pink flowery period tracking shit!

I also find it interesting that you're comparing Egypt (and do you mean all of Egypt, or just the big city like Cairo?) to Dubai...two totally different places and populations...why are you assuming that the "locals" are looking at "western women very lasciviously"? Have you even been to the UAE? In my experience,

DUDE. You have the answer to "WHAT DOES THE FOX SAY"!