
You've captured my exact feelings about McKee and this song! I've been depressed lately while in the midst of a terrible phase of grad school and I'm also known as a bit of a music snob among my friends. But sometimes I LOVE pop music like this. This morning I was singing along and seat dancing to this "American Girl"

As someone who unabashedly loves the song "Teenage Dream" despite my ambivalence about Katy Perry, discovering that Bonnie McKee wrote that song makes so much sense! Just this morning I turned on the radio to hear "American Girl," and was surprised by how easily the chorus burrowed into my brain played on repeat. Now

My eyes were welling up throughout and I managed to hold back my sobs...but when the girl started to tear up at the end while saying "I'm really sorry it's hard for you guys," I just burst out crying. I'm a biracial and it's amazing that these young kids have such a poignant message for me as an adult who is so damned

ooh, okay. I too want access to posting and not just commenting in GroupThink so I commented with my request, and hopefully it will further help me in my quest to get out of the greys. Thanks :)

Congrats, you're out of the greys now! Just posted in the hopes that I too can claw my way out of this forsaken no-man's land.

Fuck Perry!!! Wasting our money and time on this second special session, when they decimated school budgets and social services here in Texas. All this to further interfere with women's access to health care. FUCK PERRYYYYY!!!!

When I was a kid, I was on CHIP in Texas because my parents owned their own business and

Thanks for the response. Yeah, I'm sure it's rare but I've heard of a couple of instances of South Asian (and also Arab) children put in the foster care system when they had abusive families (including two students of my older sister when she was a teacher). You're definitely right about extended families taking over;

This is really interesting. I am half Pakistani (and my husband is full Pakistani) and would like to adopt one day, and was thinking about how I might be interested in adoption from South Asia since it would be preferable for a child who is adopted overseas to at least have parents in touch with their culture and

Just called them and left a message since it's after hours. Thanks for posting the number!

You're very welcome! Yeah...I have a propensity to click on the grays since I myself am always forsaken to this area of the comments. sheesh, when will they start giving some of us more commenting privileges? :(

Hi, I'm an avid Jezebel reader/history doctoral student/Texan who is madly in love with Wendy Davis. I also wear a headscarf and am a Muslim. My mom is white and my dad is Pakistani; I was born and raised in America (hell, I never even left the US till I studied abroad in Jordan last year - glad to know Meher traveled

What a fantastic interview with Governor Richards. A true example for politicians today.

Yes, right after the SCOTUS made its ruling against the VRA yesterday, Attorney General Greg Abbott announced this:…

Growing up in Texas, the only governors I've remembered clearly were the tenures of George W. Bush and Rick Perry (unfortunately, I was too young of a kid to

my husband called her Lady Melisandre...whispering into the ears of Stannis Baratheon.

I agree with your description of Roberts as an exceptionally handsome Jr. Dinosaur. As much as I disagree with many of his recent rulings (my hero Ruth Bader Ginsburg has already enumerated the reasons most eloquently), I feel that he actually makes an effort to be open minded and not simply follow the super

Oh my godddd. "I did it because it was the right thing to do. It was the *Christian* thing to do" - Sen. Eddie Lucio III, a DEMOCRAT who says he's pro-life, who just explained why he voted against this bill. Thanks for making sure your Christian beliefs ban something that others who aren't Christian have the right to

Yep, same guy. He's been bleating on and on for the past half hour because he interrupted Sen. Davis' readings of personal stories to ask these ridiculous questions. I'm a texan and can't get any work done today bc I'm watching this at my desk.

Since I've skimmed her page before and thought I knew about her life already, I didn't expect to be exceptionally moved. But I just read her wiki page after your recommendation and am hiding tears from my eyes in the library right now. She is an amazing woman who has achieved so much despite enduring harrowing

Russell Brand talks about his clinical treatment for his sex addiction in his My Booky Wook. He actually gave a really interesting account of the rehabilitation center and how they helped him overcome his serious problem (after he overcame his heroin addiction, he then turned to sex for his fix due to his addictive