
ohhh yeah, my first year of grad school meant having a weekly cry (if not more)...and my second year of grad school had me feeling SLIGHTLY better about school, but I had to throw getting-married-and-planning-a-huge-pakistani-wedding-for-the-BIGGEST-family crying sessions into the mix. I also tried to do it in a

It's just an average Pakistani name! (He's half Pakistani, half English.) But I can kinda see it as a villain name too haha.

OH MY GOD I am doubled over in laughter now after these two stories. Your family is awesome!

You mean elevensies. Sorry, I'm a hobbit-loving nerd. Anyway, I tend to agree that this wouldn't be a dig at weight since there were many more skinny hobbits in LOTR than plump ones. Think of the Fellowship members - Pippin, Merry, and Frodo weren't big at all and Sam was as cdtrinity says, the only one who could be

I'm on a 35 day cycle too, which used to freak me out because I always thought i was late or there was something wrong with my irregular cycle. None of the apps I used for my iphone were glitch-free so I just use this site now (and now I can predict very accurately when my next period is and such!):

You were not alone. I always wondered why my mom didn't have the same ugly umbilical cord residue on her stomach as my new baby siblings did, lol. (I thought this even *after* I learned from my friend in kindergarten that "babies come from your mom's BUTT!!!")

Thanks for the info! I'm going to tell my friend to give it another try with a different doctor, and I hope it goes well enough with my own insertion that I only need some ibuprofen too!

ooh I have a question! my friend just went to the gyno to get her copper IUD in and the doc told her they just couldn't get it in! She was supposedly a few mm too small...I looked this issue up on IUD Divas and elsewhere and found some people arguing that any really experienced gynecologist should be able to get it

What KristyJoy said! kcunning, your list of things to discuss is spot on. And once that's done, I guess it's just a race between the couple to see who can do the big "proposal" ritual if that's what they're into.

On a related note, how do you guys feel about being the first one to tell your partner in the relationship that you love him? For me, I got impatient not saying it when it was absolutely what I was feeling, and I knew he felt it too from things he'd say and do, so I just said it first. And he was so happy to hear it