
Stop….just stop…'ve lost

They BETTER do a Seahawks and 49ers "Why Your Team Sucks."

I actually agree with you….if Seattle and Denver played 10 times, that blowout would NEVER happen again and it probably woulda been split 5-5…1 of the 5 Bronco wins being a blowout as well.

I can't stand Skip Bayless yet I know he likes to argue with Terrell Suggs…..what is your point?

I still hate the man, buttt...

I appreciate these "Why Your Team Sucks" things but the 'what has always sucked' is weak as helllll on this one….let's be real here Drew, the Bucs were shitty for a long time…then good and now back to shitty. And we want to discount some of that goodness? lol

80% of MMA dudes or wanna-be MMAs guys are complete douches. Super tough guys tatted up who think they can do anything they want.

It was an intro line….to get you to read on. It worked.

Meh, maybe I shouldn't say i haaate him. But my dislike for him is growing this offseason. Dwight has kinda kept quiet because HE knows, when he DOES OPEN HIS MOUTH, he's hated.

Ahh but it's so much more fun to hate them both.

And the worst comment of the day goes to...

Rashes don't have repeated symmetrical patterns...this is retarded

Over football and basketball, i am 100000% positive this is bullshit.

Wow, you just got shit on by basically EVERY OTHER reply to this AND his youtube video....nice try though.

People who bring up, "well he was mean" or he didn't sign autographs need to shutup and wipe their tears. The HOF is based on having a great BASEBALL career...not on that 1 interaction you had with him when you were 22.

WOW...So surprised you gave this a B as I just read an article on the Atlantic just shredding this movie up. Looks horrible to me.

Interesting article but for 75% of the readers on here, the response is, "And......?'

Yep...crossfit has drank it's own kool-aid.

Agree a billion times. Made me respect the Manning family even more.

You must not watch many movies....