
I agree. I've always loved KG...even as a Laker fan. In every sport, there are players that just fuel themselves with almost "hate" when they take the field/court/whatever....he is one of them and that is a major reason why he's been good for so long, a great veteran leader and a future HOF.

As a Laker fan ...I alllsooo hated that team.

I think most can agree that this Dungy comment was shitty and he shouldn't have opened his mouth...I'm more interested in seeing how the hell the media run with the future Sam stories.

Kluwe is lookin worse and worse now.

This "stipend" is dependent on cost of living in the area...if this kid was living in a nice town in Maryland than 2500 wouldn't get him very far...but if he's living in backwoods Syracuse, NY he's doing ok.

Average age of a baseball fan watching the World Series: 54

hahah Who the fuck doesn't know who Tony Gwynn is ???? 20 year olds???

Yep, agree. They do focus on these "tasks" but that just seems like a ridiculous idea to me. If the goal of their bench press is to get to lockout as fast as possible, then they can really bounce it off their chest...but that doesn't serve a purpose either.

90% agree with you....but it's not slow, call it controlled. The way they do pullups make me want to murder someone but speed squats serve a huge purpose in powerlifters whose sole purpose is limit strength (peaking for a huge max).

I agree that their stupid kip pullups serve NO PURPOSE whatsoever other than to tell people you can do more than 1....but speed squats actually do serve a purpose in limit strength training.

Add DC United midfielder Chris Pontius to the list

Blame that on the entire nation's perception on has nothing to do with your argument. The world has vilified anabolic steroids as "instant" muscles. I'm sorry but like I said earlier, YOU wouldn't look like a bodybuilder in 3 months and you wouldn't be able to hit a baseball with 2 grams of Tren in

Nice try though bud.

Please oh please find any evidence about the eyesight thing...because that's something you just made up right now. Poor eyesight is due to the SHAPE of the eye. The shape of the eye then changes how light enters and bends in your that was just a horrible argument that was proved wrong by just understanding

haha Please explain to me your rationale here. I'm fairly certain you don't understand the physiological changes anabolics do to the body....your hand eye coordination isn't increased....your ability to recover and your overall ABILITY to build mass is increased..nothing else. You make it sound like if I injected you

I'm still lost as why baseball's PED scandal is as big as it is. PEDs add about as much to golf as they add to baseball. If you couldn't hit the ball can't hit with drugs on your side. If you CAN will probably go farther. But anyone who's swung a bat knows that hitting isn't a 'swing as hard as

What I don't do is spend the next 20 minutes explains the "interesting" intricacies of soccer to some idiot who probably watches Survivor and whose favorite movie is Transformers.

Asking someone to be open-minded is one thing...explaining that THE REASON they don't like it is because they really don't understand "how awesome it is" is another.

Yes...and people in American HATE NBA flopping...what fucking TV do you watch? Your argument makes no sense.

that fact that you took time to reply to this amazes me.