B-b-b-but wasn't that the act where Obama was going to personally drive around in a tank and collect all of the guns door to door and break them over his knee? Alex Jones is NEVER wrong.
B-b-b-but wasn't that the act where Obama was going to personally drive around in a tank and collect all of the guns door to door and break them over his knee? Alex Jones is NEVER wrong.
You know... THEY are!
People have been predicting the fall of Nintendo since the N64. Remember, the N64 didn't do too well either. Nintendo's money has almost always been made by their handhelds. Even with mobile phones catching on immensely, their handhelds dominate the handheld market. Nintendo will not be going the Sega route for a long…
It really seems like Nintendo isn't going to make it this gen. They lost so much third party support in less than a year, and now it won't even support the latest engines. I'm not even confidant in their first and second party titles anymore.
Ahh, yes. The whole "Ban and Destroy Every Gun in the Country Act" or H.R. Act stop making stuff up already.
See, you need to parse your sarcasm correctly for the masses, Sarcastiball-style; por ejemplo:
yep, if it ain't approved by Kotaku, it ain't approved for my stomach...
Ahhh Sarcasm, the language of the masses :-) easily identified but often too lofty for those of lesser minds.