Wow, it's insane to read the reactions of the other players and how far we've come in 35 years. Being gay was treated almost exactly like pedophilia or some horrible illness.
Wow, it's insane to read the reactions of the other players and how far we've come in 35 years. Being gay was treated almost exactly like pedophilia or some horrible illness.
I grew up with TNG and had seen every episode by the end of the series. By contrast, I skipped DS9, watching a few episodes here and there and didn't care for it. I finally gave it a chance when it popped up on Netflix a couple years ago.
Hell yeah! As awesome as advertised, thanks.
Anybody have a version that isn't hosted at Blocked at work.
Yup, I got my pacifist achievement on my second playthrough. Hands-down my favorite way to play. Stealth mechanics don't make it an RPG, though, which was my whole gripe in the OP; it's just a well-done stealth option added on to what I stubbornly continue to insist is mechanically an FPS.
I'd completely remove Portal from the equation of FPS; it violates the basic tenet of "shooting guns/lazors/cattle feed at enemies to neutralize them." You "shoot" inasmuch as your character pulls the trigger on a device, but at no point does your gun actually hit and damage anything. I'd probably call it a…
"To me a traditional shooter (third-person or first-person doesn't really matter that much) is a rollercoaster ride kind of experience. A linear story, set pieces and lots of variety in a short time."
"Technically, though, [Deus Ex: HR is] role-playing game."
Yeah, if it's a transition from morbidly obese to right-at-target BMI, loose skin is completely unavoidable. Weight training helps, and the younger you are when you lose it, the better off you'll be. My dad lost about 150 pounds at roughly age 45, and it took him years of weight training to get rid of some of the…
I feel ya. If it helps, I actually went Brotherhood - III - Revelations; I didn't get around to playing the latter until a few months ago. Even with the awful taste in my mouth from III, Revelations totally holds up.
No shit. Austin Powers: Goldmember wasn't exaggerating in Fat Bastard's final scene; it's not pretty when drastic weight loss doesn't come with a weight training regimen.
Yeah, the concept that physique is so crucial has obviously been debunked. I mean, we passed on electing this guy!
I'm in the same boat as you, hardcore liberal who disagrees with the guy on everything, and I am relatively annoyed with the political calisthenics everyone is doing on this.
I basically see Brotherhood and Revelations as one game. They're so similar in style that there's little difference. Revelations did have the more interesting plot, and it was great to see both Ezio and Altair's stories come to a close. They were so great that I'm actually willing to just forget III ever happened,…
I agree with your Tomb Raider example, and I think it's going to be a self-correcting problem, because AAA spectacle is unsustainable. There just isn't enough interest in gaming to sustain its bigger-than-Hollywood budgets. But that's okay. Nothing says every game has to be a realism bonanza, and I'm hoping the kind…
Like a non-cartoonish spinoff? Would be pretty cool.
Please for the love of god give us some backstory on this. This is equal parts hilarious and creepy, and I can't figure out how to google whatever the fuck this is.
I really hope you're right. I want the PS4 to be awesome, I really do.
"The cost of developing games is quite high. The costs of developing games for a new console is significantly higher. Smaller Developers will probably stick to PS3/360 Development for the foreseeable future to keep costs low and profitability up."
I know it seems like I'm down on PS4 based on my comments, but I…
I'm personally holding off altogether for a year or two. I don't particularly want to buy anything for my current PS3, as its laser is failing (second one to do this on me) and any content I buy for it won't carry forward. At the same time, I'm gunshy of early adopting on PS4, because early adopters usually end up…