the KRIS

This is really only an issue when a game first launches. I enjoyed Bayonetta more during its eight-hour playtime than many games that have been much longer. The only problem is bang for buck; unless you're really into replaying chapters to shoot for top scores, you're talking about something like $8 per hour of

Alright then, insert a caveat "those who are religious" into my post; my whole point is that atheism is at its all-time high in first-world countries right now, as I think it's a conflation of two things: modern science removing the need for crazy mysticism to explain the universe, along with (at least in my case) a

But... Star Trek fans tend to be nerds. And if nerds are anything, we're picky and discerning.

I think "penisong" (I can't believe I'm typing that name) was meaning to reply to Justin's comment about building a PC.

Just out of curiosity, how does one do this?

Naw it's cool. I've been posting on the interwebs for 20 years and have a pretty good idea how the tone strays.

Fair enough! I still think religions can sometimes improve the world in minor ways, by making life more bearable for their followers, as well as the strong triage work done in the third world by charitable religious organizations. It balances against the horrible shit like, say, complicity in the AIDS epidemic by

Very true, and it's this inculcation that instills the worst seeds of zealotry and violence in certain sects. There are few (but not zero) adult convert zealots. Still, look no further than this thread for stories like mine, I saw at least three commenters who indicated they graduated from youthful indoctrination as I

Agreed, Occam's Razor is particularly brutal to religion, especially when you consider the earliest religions. It's quite clear they're the increasingly-elaborate flailings of pre-scientific man's mind attempting to understand the universe.

Oh my, the rabbit hole down which we have plunged!

You'll have to tell me if life is better in Atheistville than here in Agnosticity. I personally don't feel confident enough in the universe's origins to disparage any religion as "lies." No one really has any clue how the giant mass that formed the Big Bang got there, or what - if anything - is outside the bounds of

Why the hell not? I'm jealous of people who are able to retain religious faith; I'm not talking about the Rick Santorum pricks, but the legitimately balanced, well-adjusted religious folks I know that legitimately seem content and at peace with their lives. It seems like it must be nice; atheism/agnosticism is kind of

Nah, there's always going to be reactionary pricks who freak out about everything and lump the >99% of perfectly normal people in with the <1% of deviants. This goes for any media that can incite controversy; see also, the beating and persecution of Muslims in the wake of the Boston bombing.

Rare has effectively been dissolved without the stock-price stigma of actually laying off and shuttering. After Grabbed by the Ghoulies and then Perfect Dark Zero were both high-profile flops, most of the old-school guys left/were let go. The company basically does thankless casual-game fare and UI/system backend

While it is true Japanese developers are a bit more unabashed about their male gaze objectifying, this particular game appears to be doing it with direct and intentional parody, with the intention of mocking the tropes rather than to create some sort of object of sexual desire. This sorc is so over-the-top as to be

Salud, DS. I say this knowing that I continue to play you regularly, and my wife is actually playing Pokemon White 2 on you as we speak, so I guess it's not really goodbye.

See, now that's thinking! Why isn't this a thing?

I definitely do not have access to any 60s Playboys, nor do I feel like crawling down that particular internet hold while at work, but I have some vague idea of what you're talking about. Anne Bancroft in The Graduate's nude scene had this going on.

"those pointy 60's boobies"
I always assumed that was an issue of poorly-crafted brassieres. Any ladyfolk want to weigh in on this?

Pretty sure it's supposed to be Mario. I would have thought it was from Fez if not for the pipes.