the KRIS

Right, I get it. That's why I caveated the shit out of my statement. I'm not a Sony fanboy, and in fact have played my 360 about 10x as much as my PS3. I'm just saying that I don't like the Kinect requirement, and I hate the always-on and disc DRM leaks. If these leaks are true, then pass. Time will tell.

Oy, this is back? I realize it's hard to qualify at this point; it makes sense that dev kits would have an always-on requirement, but it's hard to say if that would carry over to the end-user units.

Asexuality is much, MUCH less likely to be persecuted, however, because honestly what drives most LGBT persecution is their non-standard sexual contact, which "grosses out" white hetero Christians. To be asexual is generally just to have no interest in either gender or sexual contact, and it's not terribly uncommon;

This is incredibly easy for you to say in your position of comfortable majority as a hetero male. Extremely small minorities like transsexuals face misunderstanding, prejudice, and even outright persecution at every junction of their lives. The reason you so inconveniently hear about it all the time is that the GLBT

Yeah, six was much darker than the others. Some of those deaths were kinda whoa. I think I remember it didn't sell as well at the time? It's universally remembered as the best entry.

Now playing

Six is great, but I actually misremembered the numbers and thought you were talking about the low-rent-Disney VII, and was about to question your sanity. Boy, was it awful.

Came here to post exactly this, beaten by hours. Nice work though.

I made a point in a recent playthrough to beat every boss without their primary vulnerability. It wasn't Buster-only, but I just forbade myself from using the rock to their scissors.

Agreed, although I was trying to point out IPs that could potentially rot. No way Disney will let Indy sit in the vaults, it's going to be dragged out and zombified for decades to come.

... Oh my god. I'm at work now, so I can't test this. How much money are we talking?

Agreed; I cringe any time feminine epithets (which I'm hesitant to type from my tracked work browser) are applied to females, because it sounds misogynist even if it's a girl saying it. I exclusively use masculine or neutral epithets on disagreeable or evil women for this reason, and save my extremely infrequent

You might be right that the original was also meh as a shooter, but it was much more fun to actually play in my estimation. The ability to hack just about every automaton in sight and have an entire arsenal doing the fighting for you excused the combat being merely alright, and actually made the fighting seem very

Wow, nice work Chris. I did a list like this in the memorial tweets thread, but your list kicks mine's ass.

What system? I'm on 360.

See, I had no idea MoC was any good because there isn't enough money in the game to max out more than three guns and two plas~ err vigors. Maybe I missed some huge money cache, but doubt it; I found 79/80 audio logs so I'm assuming I was pretty thorough.

I had a number of glitches like this; I had Elizabeth just completely vanish twice after hectic firefights. I could see the subtitles of her responding if I asked her to open a tear, but her character apparently fell through the world or got stuck in a wall. In both cases I eventually had to restart from a checkpoint

Jesus Christ, we just made extremely similar posts at the exact same time. Interesting to see that you liked MoC, I considered it a complete waste of salt.

Yeah, actually, you're right; Steve Purcell fully owns Sam & Max, otherwise we wouldn't have had the cartoon. So, that's one IP saved.

Definitely agreed with basically every beef. Infinite felt a bit too much like "Halo With Magic" (two gun limit, recharging shields, massive hordes of enemies), and since I do not like that kind of FPS, I found that kind of a letdown. However, the story and setting were both so damn amazing that I'm willing to let the