He basically sounds like he's repeating verbatim from a hidden earpiece, where the real Ryan Lochte (45, bald, and morbidly obese) is sitting in a dark room in the basement and feeding the cyborg his lines.
He basically sounds like he's repeating verbatim from a hidden earpiece, where the real Ryan Lochte (45, bald, and morbidly obese) is sitting in a dark room in the basement and feeding the cyborg his lines.
Jesus christ, what a match made in heaven. Lochte needs to go back in time thirty years and marry Carson-era Joan.
Agreed, this notion is ridiculous that a sudden spike in popularity and demand "Almost Sank the Company," per the headline. Unless you leveraged that popularity into stupid decisions that didn't pay off, positive exposure and popularity by themselves can't possibly harm a business; at worst, they don't pay off…
Completely agree, I was under the impression Cooper's prime-time 8PM bracket up against O'Reilly (and now my homie Chris Hayes, hurrrayyyy) was basically the highest you could climb in cable news.
"former CIA director David Patraeus made his first public speech since resigning last August"
The video game company Bioware is extremely good about this. They make well-written sci-fi and fantasy RPGs loaded with complex and rich characters. In their RPGs such as the Mass Effect series and Dragon Age, the main characters are a decent split of hetero, gay, and bisexual. Sexuality is never a defining trait, and…
The speed limit isn't 50. Go any other speed, except exactly 50.
I was thinking "Remember to tiptoe over the claymores!"
Or press mute. Every cell phone has a mute. Use it. Christ.
I think she meant he bought an Xbox 360. In the 1940s. Graphics were about the same, but the nuclear-powered processor was unshielded and probably mutated his brain. Actually, that might explain everything.
I'd say it was Petrificus Totalus, except she's not the one who'll be stiff.
You're not just being a Harry Potter fangirl. Emma Watson is pretty awesome.
Glorious. Although my mind adds some below-frame snapping.
Vault Boy dammit! http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Vault_Boy
This one's even better (from the original blogspot, not mine).
That doesn't seem useful; that's a bit like judging an Obama speech by its Youtube comments.
It's easier to climb out of in a hurry, and it less resembles morgue drawers.
I dunno, it's got a 65 on http://www.metacritic.com/movie/mystery-men which is definitely in the high end for action/comedies, a genre critics tend to abhor.