the KRIS

I'm guessing you're around 18-25. I'm in my 30s, and Nintendo is virtually synonymous with gaming in my subconscious. I don't see "kiddy crap," I just see raw undiluted gaming. And that's pretty much what I get from a Mario, Metroid, or Zelda game; minimal dialog, fantastic controls, solid gameplay. I could give less

I'd love for you to be correct. Hell, I'm rooting for just about every game that comes out to be awesome, because a solid backlog of games heading into the summer doldrums is always a good thing.

Keeping an eye out, but not optimistic that this will have any appeal to adult gamers. Skylanders is a good example of this; I think it's objectively a great idea, and kid-me would be all over it, but adult me isn't really into it. It doesn't have the all-ages appeal of Nintendo's stuff.

I hear you. I'm consistently disappointed when I swing my chain whip at solid brick walls only to find that they refuse to break and reveal the fully-cooked, edible roasted turkeys they're obviously concealing.

I actually really like unlocking content. Well, "like" might be a bit of an overstatement, but it forms an effective carrot-on-a-string to keep me moving through a game. Particularly RPG elements really work as a motivator to keep me engaged and interested. It's a bit of a cheap hamster wheel approach, but the key is

I haven't played Journey. Our PS3 is effectively my wife's machine, it's hooked up to the big TV and running Netflix or Hulu basically all the time. My 360 and Wii are hooked up to a smaller monitor and that's where I actually do my gaming. Wife wouldn't be too amenable to me hogging the TV :/

Tried this game and yes it is very cute. It's basically a top-down Angry Birds with extra cuddliness. My toddler daughter absolutely loved it.

I'm a musician and am far more impacted by strong musical motifs at key moments than actual plot developments. That said, there have been some pretty amazing moments over the years.

That's a shame, you are missing out on some amazing games. Off the top of my head:

More like "free" with an asterisk, under which reads "pay to win." Assuming it's like the earlier Zenonia games, it has the worst of all RMT: Repeat transactions. You don't just pay once to unlock the content permanently, you pay through the nose constantly for basic stuff like potions. I absolutely refuse to give

Yeah, it's pretty impressive how much content you get for $.99. I think only Where's My Water beats it in terms of raw content - $.99 and two $.99 level packs for a grand total of something like 500 levels, some of which are shockingly involved. Both great series.

This, so very hard. I had a Moto Droid 1 for about two years and hoooly crap was that thing a buggy, crashy piece of junk. After about a year a firmware update came out that the phone just plain wouldn't install; I tried absolutely everything on every forum to no avail. I ended up eventually not being able to update

An airbag saved his life.


Fans adding layers of nuance and depth in these type of discussions are just giving the creators too much credit. ME3's ending and FC3's story are just not well-written. It doesn't take away from the gameplay or even particularly bother me, it's just examples of a horse by committee being a mule.

The very wurst!

British studio finds Hell to be an utter non-profanity, which it is. American company NOA requests this be toned down to even-further non-profanity Heck, due to proliferation of hyper-sensitive sheltering Christian parents. It's the same reason Timon stops Pumbaa from saying "farted" in Lion King; we have to shelter


TVTropes is the single-deepest internet hole you can fall in. It's much worse than Wikipedia. Almost every time I go there, I end up spending several hours and have like twenty tabs open before I remember what it was I was doing before I clicked.

I'm actually playing through Dust right now - two more of the four mansions in the giant sprawling undead world are waiting for me after work.