
The person being recorded, in this case, would be in Illinois though. Which according to the poster below requires all parties to consent.

You can file a police report based solely on an interview? That doesn’t seem correct.

Even if it’s not, that sounds messy.

You think either of those things are grosser than what’s going on already in there?

To me, they both just look like passive-aggressive ninnies. I think you’re reading way too much into it.

What’s the Serbian version of ‘Merica? ‘Erbia?

I may be able to answer the next to last one, it looks like he spit out the foam.

That’s an easy answer...Earth. What’s your favorite kind of pie?

Yes, clearly THAT’S the main problem in Chicago.

I predict conservatives/Republicans will be more accepting of him as transgender than liberals/progressives/Democrats will be of him being a Republican and a Christian.

yeah, Harold Reynolds went over that last night, saying Eaton was pissed that Ventura quick pitched him after Eaton spent a lot of time complaining about the previous call to the ump

add to that the gold chain worn on the outside of a t-shirt and your point is magnified

These puns really stink!

There’s definitely a need to bring more black players and fans back to baseball but I disagree with your point about it becoming “super-white”, because it’s becoming more brown. Over 25% of MLB rosters are now Hispanic. I don’t think it’s becoming less diverse, it’s just than less of the diversity is black.


and anything that Sheetz makes is 10x better than anything Wawa makes

I don’t care if this is true or not, I want to believe it so bad.

are you talking about the fingers of that cab driver?

His contract was structured knowing he would probably miss games.