
yeah, huge market for scalped could have gone a few blocks south to South St Pete and gotten shot, I guess

It's in St Pete, so...yeah, probably still bath salts

As an actual Rays fan living in St Pete, I'd have left the game happy and went home because I'm an adult.


That's a really odd justification

It's not like an airline tweeted a picture of a giraffe or something serious like that.

plus he's never played for Detroit

pills and tequila

I wish a could type a "+" and then the Wu-Tang symbol

American's what?

not difficult but not clever

"Oh my God, that would be a tremendous insult to represent the US by an animal or a landscape!" - nobody, ever

Well, it could still be "hiding". People just know where it is. It's like a 3 year old playing hide and seek. it just sucks at it.


While I'm a fan, baseball's not for everybody. He just doesn't seem that Inuit.

Yeah, because there are ways to do the "money phone" WITHOUT looking like a douche.

Douches or not, they actually have.

And animals in the United States!

ok, I'll concede my analogy wasn't the best. I still think my point is valid, but I could have chosen a better example. There.