
Do people really think there can be no fake gamer/geek men/women? Apparently if you read any number of comments on multiple sites this is the case.

Clearly, Revelle was MUCH closer on the stealth bomber than they were on the stealth fighter.

That's how you get things done

Best PS3 Game of 2013's First Half

Bingo. Unfortunately, sadly, bingo.

Yeah, I tried a snarky comment but couldn't come up with one. Her comment's here are pathetic and vile. Period.

Interesting stuff.

"I'm not blaming the girl, but why she didn't crush her attackers' skulls between her thighs, tear out their intestines through their stomachs, and break their spinal cords in half with a right hook is, quite frankly, beyond me."

how many more?!

Hahahaha. This is amazing. More, more.

Is there any indication as to how many new subscribers they gained?

Obviously their total is still 8 Million all together, but I'd just be interested to see how many people have only recently started playing the game, or whether it's basically just being kept aloft with original players or something...

I was slightly disappointed that he disconnected from the internet and not actually the computer/devices/technology, which was what I thought.

Not many people know this but Altered States was released in Canada as Altered Provinces.