
Can’t the data be intercepted? Unless you encrypt the encryption data with CMB as well... Oh wait..

This may just be the cutest National Geographic video I’ve seen in a long time

Collect disability benefits and play video games all day. Amerikuh.

Losing sunlight when I get off work/school is not worth the sunlight. DST is an antiquated practice that was applicable back when we were all farmers (yes - I am aware there are still farmers in the US), but not in the 21st century when people wake up in the dark only to leave work or school at the dark.

Looks like the new Digg to be honest.

Pardon my ignorance but what is the point of this? Also, how does this compare to the Apple TV? Not trying to be snarky - genuinely curious!

Any competition is good competition. If this provides better prices during surge hours, then I’ll use this.

Another reason to stay in Windows 7. I hate the flat design on my desktop.

How does it send feedback to each school?

Then don’t get it?

This guy is going to get so many Amazon referral points for this. It’s genius. Is this even legal?

For a Japanese phone, you better have a place to tie lanyards to.

I have some serious imposters syndrome. My career counsellors have told me to not undersell myself because of all the internships and projects I have under my belt. It’s hard, however, because all I compare myself to are people that are significantly better than I am. And compared to them, I know so little.

Agreed so hard on this. I started saying yes to every single thing people invited me to. I am a changed person.

This is awesome.

YES. I frequently travel, and I can use T-Mobile in Canada.. Asia.. Without paying a dime more. So worth it.

I don’t know why this makes me so angry.

What the hell was “ease off hacking” mean? Hacking isn’t doing drugs. There’s no chemical imbalance that you cannot go cold turkey from. He’s just making excuses to continue hacking and to appease the people that are criticizing him.

Call me old fashioned, but I won’t be upgrading until Aero is brought back. The blocky flat colors hurts my eyes.

As someone that’s not really into sneaker culture - what’s the difference between these and the first?