Hot coca cola + ginger = cough cure in China ;-).
Hot coca cola + ginger = cough cure in China ;-).
Downloaded it not more than 30 seconds ago.
Free drinks. Not having to swipe your credit card. Using cash sucks. Gold status. Much more. I can't believe America is still stuck with the cash culture. 90% of the first world have gone digital, and we're still stuck with copper and paper.
I donate $10 every time those ads come up.
What stops ad providers from saying "we will put ads on your site, but only if you remove X Y Z from our page."
Just ordered the most expensive alarm clock I've ever bought.
I have to admit her skin is perfect. And a bit plump too. Really hate absolutely skinny girls with no curves.
People who have Far Cry 3, do you guys think it feels like Crysis I? Looking at the screenshots and game play, the sand-boxy and open-world style makes it feel like what Crysis 2/3 should be like.
Would definitely say BO2 is better than MW3 - on the PC. The only time I've ever really raged on BO2 was because of being in a team where they did not help me do any objectives. That's just frustration in general, but not at the game.
Jesus Christ. The mechanical engineering model where they can simulate the cogs and gears to replicate the movement above the scene was mind boggling.
If we could do more on the Vita other than what Sony governs us to do, I'd totally hop onto the bandwagon of purchasing one. One of the things that made me enjoy the first PSP so much was there was so much homebrew/mods/miscellanous things you could do to it (albeit maybe going into quasi-legal boundaries if you're a…
And an emulator for PS1 and PS2 games.
This. While I am as big as a PC fanboy as one can be, but most games for the PC these days are so poorly optimized that even a beefy card like the 680 may not give it the best performance. Examples are games like GTA IV and Crysis when it first came out - those games were so poorly optimized for the PC that even some…
This is what artists these days call art? What the actual fuck.
Lol. Americans themselves have some of the slowest yet expensive internet in the world. I don't think full-digital delivery is ready if ISPs in the States continue to operate like they have a stick up their waste repositories.
You are clearly part of the brain washed. "Israel is the most humane country in the world" where do you get your news from?
It's nice to see a far right always bringing politics into anything.