
I used to go to a religious private school in Canada where "Religion class" and "Science class" is separate. In "Religion class" these were the questions asked in Bible exam. Basically to familiarize us to scripture studies. In Science, discussion goes on - quite engaging actually. I wouldn't be surprised if this was

As a wev dev, I see the mobile sites as an abomination. Mobile sites are dead. Long live Responsive Design.

Ambient light sensor was never accurate anyways. I never relied on it. On the iPad and iPhone, I manually adjust it, no matter how new the device.

It is articles like these that made me fall in love with Gizmodo in the original place. Sam that was a greatly written article. I know it is only a dream, but this is the Gizmodo I want to log onto every day. So informative, the writing so lively - so alive. It's alive because it was actually journalized. You went

I'm not pre-ordering mostly because I am waiting for the Surface Pro. I already have an iPad, I don't need another media consumption device. Give me that Surface Pro already.

If only Microsoft could drum up the hype as they did the Surface, it'd make people excited. But the current ads show nearly no relevance to the operating system itself. Yeah.. You show that people who use it are "hip," but wow..

It's weird my college isn't in the list.

What's funny is basically nothing needs replacing, because everything was listed.

Such a cool concept, butchered by a terrible sensor, resolution and image quality.

I proudly still remember old Gizmodo with the best community/comments/commentors and best content of all tech blogs.

Does Command+Tab serve the same purpose?

You're still here?

American Chinese food is an abomination and disgrace to Chinese food. What my family always say "this food is to trick white people!" And you guys do fall for it.

At the same time it's PenTile and has horribly inaccurate colors.

Try QQ Music instead. It's a centralized system with a good regard to music quality levels. It goes from the 128 -> 320 -> FLAC -> WAV -> APE.

The difference between Chinese labels and Western labels is that people are buy CDs their artists. Why? Because almost all major releases come with swag and memorabilia that fans want. The fandom towards musicians in China and Taiwan are vastly different towards the view of citizens and record labels in Western

I would like a NFC feature on the iPhone where I can simply buy a USB accessory and I can just lay my iPhone down to log in automatically. Of course, on board, there will be security measures, but nothing more annoying than typing in a long password

Here's my take on China by living here: We don't torrent.

Everything is exciting until you think of the funding NASA receives yearly.

Terrible sensationalistic article is terrible.