
I’m revisiting Hitman 2016, finishing off some of the escalation contracts I never got around to before. The fact that Hitman 2 is still 3.5 months away has me antsy. 

Usually #2 at the Oakland Coliseum is bad news. 

I’ve actually really enjoyed the beta, as somebody who didn’t care for the first game. It reminds me a lot of Steep, in that I can imagine spending a lot of time just goofing around and creating videos with the replay tool.

Paul Ryan has no interest in actually challenging Donald Trump.

You can actually watch it for free (to the best of my knowledge) via Go90

You know the Winter Olympics contains figure skating, right?

Steep is a game that basically no one talks about and very few people actually bought, but Ubisoft has stuck with it since launch in a way that I, personally, am very thankful for. It’s a game that would have been abandoned soon after launch in a different era or from a different developer.

Albert, it is 2018. Ben Carson is running HUD. Jared Kushner is handling the Israel-Palestine peace process. Not being qualified to do something may as well be a statement of intent that you will, in fact, do that something.

It might be stretching the definition of level a bit, but Sapienza from the latest Hitman game is just brilliant.

This has been individualized about Pai because he is uniquely unlikable, but any generic Republican in the same position would be doing the exact same (like the two others who voted for repeal). Republican ideology seeks to further enrich and defend those who already have riches.

Do any of you actively listen to classical music? Favorite composers?

Mike and Mike un-mic’d.

Doesn’t he know that the rules changed a few years back? Catchers aren’t allowed to defend home like that anymore.

Yeah, for some reason it didn’t quite click with me the way other Trackmania games have, but it’s still a lot of fun

My favorite part of this past Olympics

The first glimpse I got of this didn’t look so bad. Then I realized his shoe was still entirely on his foot.

Forza 7. I have real gripes about how certain things were handled with it (rivals mode being gutted, the much-hyped dynamic weather only appearing on 11 tracks) but the racing is still fun and it beats Project Cars’ gamepad handling, so I’m probably on my way to another 150 hours of playtime here.

The Patriots’ color rush unis are white? Hmmm.

The future was darker than I could have imagined.

F1 2017...once it finally arrives from Amazon.