
Yeah, especially when it came out around the same time as Neo Geo Battle Coliseum... which, despite it's own problems, showed how much more effort SNK was willing to put into a game with the same exact concept as Capcom Fighting Jam compared to Capcom at the time. Plus they had SamSho6 and KOFXI, which are two of my

Honestly, the first time I saw Ingrid, I thought she was just a palette swap of Athena from CvS2. Obviously that was just a mistaken first impression, but your statement is kinda humorous to me in that regard.

It was lazy as hell, for starters. There was no flare (no selectable grooves, no tag-team, etc.), it was a visual nightmare (Zangief had very inconsistent animations, and having characters from the early 90s fighting characters from the late 90s looked really bad in a lot of cases), and the characters didn't even

Marvel 3 was supposed to be supported with DLC. And I firmly believe it would have been. However, there were two events that made this problematic.

Actually, I spent $70 for the special edition. I'll spend $40 come November with no problem at all.

Except that the characters would have been $5 a piece. $5 x 12 characters. You do the math.

This is nothing on what Capcom used to be outputting. Currently, all they are doing is Street Fighter and Marvel Versus.

I'm friggin' excited for it. What's more, everybody I know who was really into MvC3 is really friggin' excited for it as well.

Heck yeah - Counter-Strike is the one non-fighting game that I have actually been willing to humiliate myself at tournaments with.

I must be the only person on earth who loved GTA4 and absolutely hated San Andreas.

Mortal Kombat may not be hugely popular overseas... but X-Men wasn't that popular either. Heck, Capcom made a freaking Harvey Birdman game.

Or any of the fun.

Get out.

How's about Felicia?

Iron Fist, Phoenix Wright, Dr. Strange, Strider, Nemesis and several others on this list were VERY HIGH in popular demand.

That's only because the whole thing started out as X-Men vs Street Fighter. That's why almost half the cast was from either SF or XM.

I was actually talking to a friend about how they should (if they wanted to have a WTF character) have put Fiona in, with the ability to use special moves that have Hewie attack the opponent. Sorta like Carl Clover from BlazBlue.

Well now there's more Resident Evil characters than there are Darkstalkers.

If they had Akira, with the ability to use Hyper to go into her Armored version, I'd be very very happy.

Now playing

For the same reason I wanted Norimaro to return.